Commentary: Left Working Furiously to Bury Feinstein Chinese Spy Story

Dianne Feinstein


The revelation that California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office manager was a Chinese spy has generated a huge backlash, but not against the liberal Senator.

Instead of prompting a deeper media or government probe of the former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence the experience of our friend Ben Weingarten suggests that there is a concerted effort to stifle the story and marginalize anyone who digs into it.

While we gave the story of Feinstein’s deep political and financial ties to Red China a once-over in our article Will Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein Investigate Herself?, Weingarten did a deep dive into Feinstein’s Red China connections.

In his article for The Federalist, Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy, Ben Weingarten detailed how Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.

Weingarten reported that for the last 40 years, no politician in America has arguably maintained a deeper, more longstanding and friendlier relationship with China, at the highest levels of its ruling Communist Party, than Feinstein. It dates back to the opening of U.S.-Chinese diplomatic relations in 1979.

As Ben Weingarten further reported:

During the 1980s, as mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein developed a close friendship with Shanghai Mayor Jiang Zemin. This substantially enhanced Feinstein’s foreign policy profile, and created an important linkage to the U.S. government for China’s Communist Party (CCP).

Just as Feinstein rose to a prominent position in foreign affairs and national security in the U.S. Senate, first on the Foreign Relations Committee and later as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jiang rose to the top of Chinese leadership, serving as chairman of the Central Military Commission, general secretary of the CCP, and president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Under Jiang’s leadership, the PRC initiated a brutal crackdown against practitioners of Falun Gong, including mass imprisonments, beatings, torture, rape, organ harvesting, and murder, and engaging in alleged human rights atrocities against Tibetans. Feinstein never renounced her friendship with Jiang, in spite of these acts.

Feinstein and Jiang reportedly visited each other regularly in the 1980s, with Jiang once spending Thanksgiving in San Francisco with Feinstein and her husband. Jiang supposedly danced with Feinstein during one such visit, which surely must have been a propaganda coup for the CCP a la Ted Kennedy and the Soviets.

But here’s where it gets interesting.

In 1986, reported Weingarten, Feinstein and Jiang designated several corporate entities for fostering commercial relations, one named Shanghai Pacific Partners. Feinstein’s husband served as a director. His financial position was relatively small, less than $500,000 on one project, the only such position in China the Feinstein family held when Feinstein entered the Senate in 1992.

That project, however, which Blum’s firm participated in alongside PRC state-run Shanghai Investment Trust Corp., was one of the first joint ventures between San Francisco and Chinese investors, reportedly “cited by Chinese officials as a testament to the friendly business ties between Shanghai and San Francisco that Feinstein had initiated.” Subsequently Blum’s investments in the Middle Kingdom mushroomed.

Ben Weingarten went on to document how Senator Feinstein’s family investments in China grew into hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars as Feinstein rose through the ranks of the Democratic Party’s ranks of the Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees.

To get the full flavor of how Feinstein’s rise as Red China’s biggest supporter in the Senate tracked with her family’s investments you’ve got to read Ben Weingarten’s Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy, but here’s where it gets interesting.

After Weingarten’s article began to get traction and arguably got others digging into Senator Feinstein’s relationship with Red China, her family’s financial interests with the Communist state and the spy on her staff something strange happened to Ben Weingarten’s social media feeds.

Twitter began to receive complaints regarding his tweets about his story on Sen. Feinstein’s and her husband’s longtime China ties, pro-China positions (economically, militarily, rhetorically) and profits from investing in China. (You can see the Twitter warning through this link.)

And Ben Weingarten isn’t the only one looking at the Feinstein – Red China connection who has been hit with social media complaints.

Mark Hemingway, a senior writer for The Weekly Standard was likewise hit with a similar complaint for promoting Ben Weingarten’s article. (You can see the Twitter warning through this link.)

It looks to us like someone on the Left, either Feinstein supporters or the Red Chinese or both, is trying to quash the investigation of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s ties to Red China. The effort to quash the story tells us that investigators like Ben Weingarten, and counter intelligence agencies of the United States government, should keep digging because there’s obviously something there that someone doesn’t want exposed.












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3 Thoughts to “Commentary: Left Working Furiously to Bury Feinstein Chinese Spy Story”

  1. Betty

    You are the fake news democrat liar buddy!!!

  2. Betty

    You are the democrat liar buddy!!!

  3. Bill

    And the FAKE NEWS keeps on trucking. Lying, hypocritical idiots
