Illinois Congressman Introduces Bill Preventing Paul Ryan From Using The Gym During Government Shutdown

by Molly Prince


Democratic Rep. Bill Foster of Illinois introduced legislation that would prevent Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other lawmakers from having access to the congressional fitness center during the government shutdown.

“I introduced a bill to close the Congressional gym during a government shutdown,” Foster tweeted Sunday. “[Speaker Ryan] continues to use it during the #TrumpShowdown as federal workers face uncertainty over the holidays. The only task we have right now is ending the #TrumpShutdown.”

While the fitness center is available to all members of Congress, the proposed legislation, known as the Shutdown Prioritization Act, takes aim at Ryan, banning him and other members from using any of the amenities including the gym, sauna and steam room.

Ryan is a noted gym enthusiast. He was previously a fitness trainer and leads an intense P90X workout class when Congress is in session.

“Republican leadership continues to deem the Congressional spa used by Members of the House of Representatives to be ‘essential,’” Foster wrote in a statement. “Speaker Ryan continues to use the gym during this shutdown while federal workers face uncertainty over the holidays. The only essential task Members of Congress have during a government shutdown is negotiating an end to the shutdown.”

The House passed a stopgap funding bill Thursday that included funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. However, Senate Republicans were not able to get the necessary 60 votes needed to send the bill to the president’s desk, and a partial government shutdown went into effect Saturday, ceasing all non-essential government operations.

“It’s time to tell President [Donald] Trump and Congressional Republicans to end their Congressional perks during a shutdown and focus on getting the government up and running,” Foster continued. “We need to get federal employees back to work and to provide funding for priorities important to the American people.”

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Molly Prince is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Molly @mollyfprince.
Photo “Bill Foster” by Bill Foster; “Paul Ryan” by Tony Alter CC2.0; “Gym” by Drmnh CC4.0.












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2 Thoughts to “Illinois Congressman Introduces Bill Preventing Paul Ryan From Using The Gym During Government Shutdown”

  1. Irene

    I find Foster showing how simple a Democrat views the importance of an issue. Instead of complaining that Congress took time off, knowing that they were going to be the cause of a shut down , didn’t bother to support a decision to fund a wall. He has the nerve to say boohoo people are using a gym. Get off your duffs you dumb bells
    I as a Democrat want a wall and find that Foster and the rest of those that don’t want a wall should personally sponsor a family in their homes and see how that goes to keeping Federal workers on the job. Feederal workers finally know how it feels to be off the clock, like the rest of the US citizens that don’t get paid when their on strike, or don’t have benefits to pay for days not worked. Suck it up folks.

  2. Cannoneer2

    I agree with Rep. Foster, but only as a first step. The gym is non-essential. Close it. I am sure there are more perks of a similar nature that can also be suspended.
