Congressman Mark Green Condemns ‘Unconscionable’ Democrat Abortion Bill


U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Friday condemned a new abortion bill that Democrats in the House of Representatives passed.

Green denounced the Women’s Health Protection Act, crafted by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA-27), as “abortion-on-demand legislation.”

The legislation would ban a wide range of abortion restrictions used in states across the country. For example, the bill would prohibit waiting periods and other measures.

“Nancy Pelosi’s so-called ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ allows abortion until the second of birth. It’s unconscionable to think that Radical Democrats are so illusioned by the lies of the left that they refuse to see what science shows and what the majority of Americans recognize: That life begins at conception. Ending a human life up until the second of birth is not ‘choice,’ but a barbaric practice that should never be permitted in a civilized country such as ours,” Green said in a statement.

Democrats at both the state and federal level have pushed for expanded abortion rights. The movement follows a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that allowed Texas abortion restriction legislation to go into effect.

However, opponents of Chu’s legislation argue that the measure would effectively permit the federal government to allow the killing of children. Furthermore, Green pointed out that a widespread number of individuals are against third-trimester abortions.

“A recent survey found that 66 percent of adults who identify as ‘pro-choice’ are against third-trimester abortions, and 68 percent oppose abortions the day before a baby is born. It’s clear: radical Democrats in Congress are on the wrong side of history—and science—when it comes to their unapologetic abortion on demand policy,” Green continued.

Chu’s legislation faces an uphill battle in the Senate, as Republicans will likely filibuster the measure.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].







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3 Thoughts to “Congressman Mark Green Condemns ‘Unconscionable’ Democrat Abortion Bill”

  1. Tim Price

    Rather than slam Mark Green, I will sent his office an email and find out why he voted for this. But you guys can just go nuts and jump to cause. There are so really good representatives in this list, so my jury is still out. Might just be more to the story than meets the eyes. Besides you girls are jumping way off subject. Could it be that you guys are just lying liberals?

  2. RINO Congressman Mark Green, voted YEY (YES) for ADDING a red flag gun confiscation upon our Military members, to the new NDAA. Possibly in retaliation for the military’s vaccine refusals. This RINO’s and 134 others, opens the door for our failing government to apply this upon ALL the 100,000s of current hold-outs. Mark Green, and 134 others, have just voted FOR the removal of their legal rights to own a firearm, forever.

    RINO, Mark Green betrayed the members of our military. ~ That’s a FACT, now.

    Tennessee needs NON-RINO representatives! Unelect Mark Green, vote the bum out!

  3. Cannoneer2

    We also need a statutory bill that clarifies that the second amendment means an individual right, amd that a person can carry in all 50 states. Shall. Not. Be. Infringed!
