Conservative Activists Protest at Bed Bath & Beyond for Removing MyPillow Products

by Eric Lendrum


Conservative activists gathered in-person to protest at a Bed Bath & Beyond store in California, in opposition to the company’s decision to cancel all MyPillow products due to the CEO’s support for President Trump, according to Breitbart.

The group consisted of members of the Media Action Network, an activism group founded by former Fox News executive Ken LaCorte. As part of the protest, the  gathered members pretended to shop through the store, filling up their carts with various products, before leaving the filled carts behind throughout the store and leaving. They left behind brochures urging the chain to “stop promoting cancel culture,” and bring back MyPillow products.

The Media Action Network released a statement “encouraging patriots to visit their local Bed Bath & Beyond, fill up a shopping cart, then abandon it with our statement about free speech. And never shop there again until CEO Mark Tritton reverses his decision.”

The statement includes a quote from LaCorte, who said: “This isn’t about pillows. It’s about the continual punishment of conservative speech. And we’ve had enough. Every time we turn around, another conservative has been silenced under false pretenses of ‘hate’ or ‘isms’ or the most recent offense-de-jour. We’re fighting back.”

The cancellation that they are protesting came after MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a longtime supporter of President Trump, continued to emphasize in media appearances that there is overwhelming evidence of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election, which may have stolen the results from President Trump and given them to Joe Biden. Lindell, who has hinted at a possible run for governor in his home state of Minnesota in 2022, has since been banned from multiple social media platforms, including Twitter.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Bed Bath & Beyond Store” by Tony Webster. CC BY 2.0.









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2 Thoughts to “Conservative Activists Protest at Bed Bath & Beyond for Removing MyPillow Products”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Will not darken the doorway of Bed Bath and Beyond ever again. Their stuff is typically way overpriced anyway.

  2. Wolf Woman

    This is a great “activist” idea. It could be used at stores as a way of peaceful protest where a small group can make a big statement.
