COVID-19 Hitting Nashville’s Black Community Hard, Task Force Chair Says


Black Nashvillians make up 13 percent of the confirmed COVID-19 cases in Nashville, but they comprise nearly 40 percent of the deaths in that area, said the chair of the Davidson County Metro Coronavirus Task Force.

These were among the many findings that Metro Coronavirus Task Force Chair Alex Jahangir revealed at a press conference Wednesday.

Jahangir also revealed the following:

• Of the Davidson County confirmed cases, 36 percent are white. Exactly 13 percent are black. Exactly 12 percent are multi-racial. Exactly 6 percent are Asian. Exactly 6 percent are unknown. And 27 percent are pending.

• Of the 24 Nashvillians who have died, 11 are white. Nine are black. Three are other. One is listed as Asian.

• Based on 4,145 tests conducted at Community Assessment Centers, 22 percent of patients were black or African-American. Exactly 8 percent were Hispanic. Exactly 6 percent were multiracial. Exactly 2 percent were Asian. Exactly 12 percent were white — although another 50 percent of people declined to answer the question. Of those who did disclose their race, two-thirds of those individuals tested were minorities.

As of Wednesday, Jahangir said Nashville had 2,612 confirmed COVID-19 cases, an increase of 24 cases in the previous 24 hours. The virus has thus far killed 24 Nashvillians, he added.

With an additional 2,167 cases in the surrounding counties, the region now has nearly 4,800 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Of the Davidson County cases, 1,260 are currently active. Exactly 1,328 residents have recovered and are cleared, Jahangir said.

But other cases continue to break out.

“Late last night we were made aware of a possible isolated outbreak of the virus at our homeless shelters on the fairgrounds,” Jahangir said.

“Four individuals entered the shelter without symptoms and later tested positive. These people were screened when they first arrived at the fairgrounds and did not have any symptoms of the virus. When an individual started showing symptoms, they were tested and moved to the self-isolation portion of the shelter for people awaiting test results. Once the test results came back positive the Metro Nashville Public Health Department began investigating.”

Jahangir added he does not believe the people got the virus at the shelter. He said members of the Metro Public Health Department will test fairgrounds’ residents and staff.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Alex Jahangir” by Mayor John Cooper.






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3 Thoughts to “COVID-19 Hitting Nashville’s Black Community Hard, Task Force Chair Says”

  1. M. Flatt

    I would very much like to see numbers regard the method of payment for the end-of-life medical services for those that died. That is, was it paid for with cash (self-insured/wealthy), private insurance (Working class), government insurance (poverty), or charity care (Homeless)?
    I would almost bet the farm that the majority of the deaths used governmental insurance, since the co-morbidities that usually create a terminal case of COVID-19 are also indicators of poverty. It is quite possible that those people didn’t die because they were black, but because they were poor!

    This is the sort of junk that comes up when you try to harness statistics to The Narrative.

  2. Ron Welch

    Why aren’t the health experts and advisors telling us to strengthen our immune systems with Vitamin C and especially Vitamin D. The flu and other viruses are almost always during fall, winter and early spring when there is less sunlight. So during these times, it is important to supplement with Vitamin D, 5000 I.U.’s daily, yet this is NEVER mentioned! Nothing is ever said about immune system strengthening which would be enhanced by being outside instead of “sheltering in place”. Why is that?

    “When the solution is simple, God is answering.”
    –Albert Einstein

    1. 83ragtop50

      I believe that they are more into being the “experts” than being of real assistance.
