Crom Carmichael Compares Mondale-Ferraro to the Biden-Harris Campaign of Government Unions


Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio.

During the second hour, Carmichael drew parallels from the Mondale-Ferraro ticket to that of the Biden-Harris campaign citing that neither VP candidate brought anything to the table to help facilitate a victory. He added later that a Biden-Harris ticket would inevitably be the administration of government unions and compliance.

Leahy: We are joined in the studio by our good friend Crom Carmichael. Good morning Crom.

Carmichael: (Chuckles) It’s nice of you to pull out the headsets but I’m sitting four feet, excuse me six feet from you. I’m social distancing.

Leahy: I know you can hear me. But it’s much better. (Carmichael laughs) I was not on top of my game folks. Every morning when Crom comes in I have his place set up for him. I have his show clock in front of him. I have his headphones plugged in and ready to go.

Carmichael: A very cute sky blue.

Leahy: Sky blue. But I just didn’t do it today. I’m so sorry Crom.

Carmichael: OK.

Leahy: But I think that the day will start off well nonetheless Crom.

Carmichael: Yes.

Leahy: So you had during this break. I was so enthralled with what you were going to talk about I guess I missed getting the headphones for you, Crom.

Carmichael: Yes. I have a question. There was an interesting article about the echos of 1984 in Biden’s pick for VP.

Leahy: The book or the year? (Laughs)

Carmichael: The election of 1984. Mondale picked Geraldine Ferraro.

Leahy: Who? It’s a joke. The far-left congresswoman from New York City.

Carmichael: She’s passed away. But George Will points out that when they picked her and made a big deal about the fact that she was a Catholic woman from Queens. And then points out that Mondale lost Catholics and women. And Reagan even came close in Queens.

Leahy: Well, she was a pro-abortion Catholic.

Carmichael: I’m just saying, to listen to the left and the media, we’ve raised this question before. And that is why do presidential candidates not pick competitors from the primary as their VP? Because Reagan did it in 1980. I have not been able to discover one that has done that since then. That all the presidential candidates have picked somebody else.

They didn’t pick a real competitor. And you could argue that Kamala Harris was Biden’s biggest competitor because she’s the one that threw him under the segregation bus two or three times. Pointing out that Geraldine Ferraro didn’t help the Mondale campaign at all even though the media made it out to be like the second coming.

Leahy: It’s interesting when you say that, all of these left-wing mainstream media publications when you look at the headlines, the headlines say one thing but the poll from CNN that just came out says another. Kamala Harris Adds to the Base of Joe Biden. People React Wonderfully to Kamala Harris. That’s what the headline says. And yet the CNN poll that came out last night, Biden only up by four.

Carmichael: Kamala Harris ran against Biden in the Democratic primary. When she pulled out of the primary she had three percent support among Democrats. She had five percent support among Black Democrats. Among Black Democrats. So what does she bring to the ticket other than a lot of baggage? And there are some things that she has said and some things that she has done in her public life.

Or things that she has not done. People she has not prosecuted. And so that will come out if it matters very much. But here is my question Michael. And that is this. The Democrats are having their virtual convention this week. I think it starts today. I think it lasts for four days which means it’s over Thursday night. Is that correct?

Leahy: Yes. Thursday night it is over.

Carmichael: It’s over. Here’s a question for you and a question for our audience. Where will Biden be on Saturday?

Leahy: That’s a really good question. Let me think about it. My guess, in his basement in Wilmington.

Carmichael: So he’ll be back in his basement.

Leahy: I would think so.

Carmichael: Where will Kamala Harris be Saturday?

Leahy: Now that’s a good question. Not in the basement with him. Will she be on the campaign trail?

Carmichael: If she’s on the campaign trail it shows that Joe Biden is incapable of campaigning.

Leahy: Ah yes.

Carmichael: It would show he’s incapable. If she goes back into her basement or just goes back to the Senate and refuses to go out and campaign, it shows that they don’t care about the American people. And by the way, that would be proof that they don’t care about the American people. They care about the government.

They care about expanding the government. Everything you hear Biden say about his programs he will always say and we’re going to unionize them. He will always say that. He will add that. Kamala Harris wants to do away with all right to work legislation across the country. I don’t even know if that’s legal.

Leahy: But state legislators determine that and the governor.

Carmichael: Well, the question is whether or not they can pass some national decree and then say that because of this national decree the right to work is now abolished across the country. I don’t know the answer. It’s not whether or not they can or can’t. I don’t want to get into that. It’s that’s what they want to do. They want to force everybody to comply and pay union dues.

This is their utopia. And this is 1984. This is what they want. They want the opposite of everything that is true. They want to take us back to the late 70s and there are a lot of people in our audience if they are under 50 they won’t have much of a memory of the late 70s.

But history will repeat itself if you line up all of the issues the same way. The thing that is so interesting to me is what do they do after they’ve had their convention? Because that’s when the American people start to tune in. Labor Day tends to be almost like the occasion. It’s the date that people say, all right. I’m going to start paying attention to politics because the election is two months away.

Leahy: Well, not only that. I think since 1948, the day on Labor Day the Democratic nominee has traditionally gone to Detroit and delivered a speech to the union. That’s been the tradition I think since 1948. Will Joe Biden do that this year?

Carmichael: He might. He might come out of his basement. He might fly by private jet up to Detroit. Give a speech. And then fly back to his basement. Anything he does is going then going to be a news story. Either way, it doesn’t matter because if he says I’m not going to campaign and I’m going to stay in my basement.

Is that really what the American people want? A person who is so scared? And if he says, well I’m setting an example. Is that the example that Americans ought to follow? That everybody ought to go sit in their basement just because they’ve got millions of dollars and can?

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 





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