Crom Carmichael Discusses Cuomo’s Coverup and the Upcoming Battle Within the Democratic Party


Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the newsmakers line to weigh in on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s cover-up of nursing home deaths in the state and how the Democrats are turning on each other.

(D-NY Assemblyman Ron Kim clip)

Leahy: And that’s assemblyman Ron Kim a Democrat from New York State talking about the pressure that he was placed under by Governor Andrew Cuomo to lie about the statements made to Democratic lawmakers by Cuomo’s staffer who said look. Sorry, we just withheld the information about nursing home COVID-19 deaths. Crom this is a kind of continuation of your theme about how Democrats lie to recreate a false history of America.

Carmichael: Well, you know Andrew Cuomo, and as much as Democrats cover stuff up and as much buying may try to help them, of course, this could be the undoing of Biden if he does try to cover it up. I heard the recording of the fellow just now. But there’s an Asian fellow.

Leahy: Yes. That’s the same guy. Ron Kim.

Carmichael: Well when he was on Tucker Carlson he said that Cuomo threatened him physically.

Leahy: And threatened to destroy him.

Carmichael: Yes and in such a way that it was clear that it wasn’t just political. And so the fact that he went public with those threats other people have probably been threatened also because that’s the why Cuomo does these things. And I think that based on what his assistant told the Democrats that were on the phone. And then not just based on that but also based on the data that has now come out that apparently about 5,000 death in nursing homes were covered up by Cuomo.

Leahy: It’s called obstruction of justice.

Carmichael: Two things. I don’t know if the obstruction of justice would be the coverup. What would be the first crime which is the misreporting of the information that would prove that he knowingly sent people to their death? It’s really mind-boggling. You could easily come up with the conclusion that Andrew Cuomo is the greatest domestic mass murderer of all time.

Leahy: You certainly could. You certainly could Crom.

Carmichael: Just look at the number of people that died due to his explicit behavior. He knew what he was doing. He may not of thought through the result but he knew he was putting COVID positive patients and forcing them back into the nursing homes and threatening them. This was an older story that he threatened the nursing homes that complained about him by having their licenses pulled. Then Cuomo signed the executive order giving nursing homes immunity from the deaths that were caused in nursing homes.

This is the beginning of what I will be astounded quite frankly if it doesn’t lead to Cuomo being forced to resign and criminally prosecuted. It’s interesting that the governors of the two largest states, like Gavin Newsom, have collected enough signatures and now want to collect 500,000 more signatures are so incredibly incompetent and mean-spirited.

Leahy: But Andrew Cuomo won an Emmy for his news conferences on the COVID-19. How could he have possibly have done anything wrong, Crom?

Carmichael: You know Andrew Cuomo reminds me of Harvey Weinstein in the sense that everybody in Hollywood knew exactly who Harvey Weinstein was and looked the other way and in fact gave him accolades. But they knew exactly who he was. In fact, many of the people in Washington D.C. know exactly who the Lincoln Project people.

And especially John Weaver and all his partners who were in bed with it and they look the other way because they like the result. And Andrew Cuomo the people and the politicians in New York they know exactly who he is. And the politicians in California know exactly who Gavin Newsom is. And I don’t think Gavin Newsom sent people back in nursing homes but there are other states that did. But Gavin Newsom has destroyed so many lives in such a cavalier way.

So it is interesting. It’s interesting to listen to the media talk about the demise of Trump and the battle within the Republican Party. I will tell you there’s going to be a huge battle within the Democrat Party because Biden is governing so far from the left. There’s nothing that the left wants. I mean literally, nothing that the hard hard left wants or the Antifa crowd wants that Biden’s not doing.

Leahy: Yeah, he’s all in favor of that. We saw that coming from a mile away. Alec Baldwin is turning on Cuomo. He said Cuomo should resign if he threatened Democrats over the nursing-home scandal. Bill DeBlasio the mayor of New York City basically threw Cuomo under the bus. They hate each other by the way.

Carmichael: Yeah, they hate each other. And by the way, they are kind of cut by the same cloth. That’s why they hate each other. They are two very very bad people. (Chuckles)

Leahy: Yeah, who hate each other.

Carmichael: Who hate each other. So this is DeBlasio’s opportunity to beat up Cuomo.

Leahy: Will Biden’s Department of Justice investigate Cuomo? We have a minute left here Crom.

Carmichael: That’s a great question. And if they don’t then that will be a real problem for Biden because all Biden will do is claim they are independent of me. Which by the way, when we get back I want to talk about the appropriate use of the Department of Justice and what its job is. Because the idea that the Department of Justice is supposed to operate independently of the presidency actually makes no sense to me and in fact it’s false.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by Nancy Pelosi. Photo “Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez” by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.









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