Crom Carmichael on How the Democrats Are Now the Official Party of Anti-American Big Government and Multi-Billionaires


Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to weigh in on Democrat policies of anti-American nature and holding individual Republicans’ responsible for weakness when in power.

Leahy: Joined in studio as we almost always are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:30 a.m. by the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael. Good morning.

Carmichael: Good morning, Michael.

Leahy: Crom, I was just looking at the headline at Breitbart. Here’s the headline: China Rebukes Biden’s Foreign Policy Team; Humiliates Cites Black Lives Matter on U.S. Human Rights Abuses. They’re trying to make a moral equivalent between their suppression of personal liberties, their terrorism, of putting Uyghurs in concentration camps with the Black Lives Matter movement.  They had this conference between Secretary of State Blinken. He’s from that former law firm, Winken, Blinken, and Nod. That guy. (Silence) That’s a joke, Crom.

Carmichael: I got it.

Leahy: Yeah, you got the joke. It wasn’t funny enough for you. But when Winking Blinken and nod our secretary of state went in in mildly rebuke, then they came back, just torched him on our land in Anchorage and said, Well, you have no standing to interfere in our affairs because you’re abusing the rights of so many Americans with this Black Lives Matter movement as evidence of it. It’s humiliation on American soil.

Carmichael: It’s to be expected because, frankly, the Democrat Party wants to become like the Communist Chinese Party.

Leahy: No question about it.

Carmichael: They really do. And I’ll give you another example of that. I don’t know if you know this, I really wasn’t paying attention to it.  I read an article about it that this 1.9 trillion so-called stimulus COVID bill, which was nine percent for COVID and 91 percent for all the Democratic friends included language in there that says that if a state takes any of the money, they cannot cut taxes. Now you can use it to spend more, but you cannot cut taxes.

Leahy: They don’t have the authority to do that but it’s in the law.

Carmichael: It’s in the law. And so now the states have to sue in order to get that part of the law overturned. But it gives you an idea of how the Democrat Party thinks. It does want to control the country from a tiny city on the East Coast. That’s what it wants to do, which is anti-American. And I want to say that in the clearest term to all my friends out there who are Democrats, your party, not you, your party has become anti-American.

Nancy Pelosi says she reveres the Constitution. That’s BS. She does not revere the Constitution. She hates the Constitution. All she does this is what they all trot out, oh, I revere the Constitution. The Constitution clearly has the ninth and tenth Amendments. At no time ever has the federal government attempted to tell the states that they can’t determine their own tax policy.

Leahy: They’ve never done it. It’s a violation of the separation of powers.

Carmichael: Yes, in the Constitution, but it’s anti American. Our Constitution is the bedrock of of our American form Of government. So it is anti American, not just anti Constitution. It is anti-American. And if you look at virtually everything that they are doing, what they’re doing is anti American. patriotism is not even the issue here.

They want to create a totalitarian state. That’s what they want to do. And this isn’t hyperbole. This is looking at the language in their own bills. If you look at HR1 one they want to do away with the filibuster so that they can with a 50/50 Senate, they want to be able to pass every single piece of legislation that they want to pass without any support from the other half of the people.

Leahy: They’re paying no attention to the other half.

Carmichael: They don’t care about the other half of the people.

Leahy: They want to crush them, crush us! We’re deplorable neanderthals.

Carmichael: No, they want to crush us politically. What’s going to be really interesting is I think the seeds of their giant tax increase are beginning to take shape, and they want to tax the 100,000 aires but they want to leave the multibillionaires alone. So you have the Democrat Party is now the party a big government and the multi-billionaires. That’s what the Democrat Party is.

Leahy: I agree completely. We are in the midst of an existential crisis.

Carmichael: Yes.

Leahy: Not just at the border, but for our constitutional Republic.

Carmichael: For the whole way we live. The way we are governed. It’s distressing to watch. And the deal with John Kerry and his mask is a perfect example. We’re going to pass laws, and we’re going to apply them with great zeal and toughness against everybody who’s not on our side. And our side, though, doesn’t have to live by the rules. When you see that picture from your company.

Leahy: At 7:15 on Wednesday morning, Neil McCabe, our Washington correspondent, was here. We talked for about 15 minutes. Three hours later, he broke that story. We reviewed it. We said, Yes, this is authentic picture. We published it. It’s been all over the world.

Carmichael: But then Kerry lied about it.

Leahy: He lied a lot about it.

Carmichael: He said I just took it off the moment he was reading, so he had disconnected it. He was hanging from his ears.

Leahy: You can see that in the picture.

Carmichael: And he was reading.

Leahy: By the way, notice what a weasel. He’s not a stand-up guy. He didn’t say, Oh, Yes, that picture showed me with my mask off because it did. He said, if that was the word, if my mask was hanging off my left ear, it was only momentary. What a weasel.

Carmichael: Yeah, but the point is, he then gets away with it. He then gets away with it. And so what we have here is example, after example, after example of the left thinking that it can and essentially attempting. And the question is if Republicans regain power in Washington, and I think Mitch McConnell only because, by the way, only because he has 50 senators can he threaten to not let him have a quorum. Think about this for a second. If you only had 49 senators, then he couldn’t even threaten that.

Leahy: Out of luck he would be.

Carmichael: He would have no power at all. And so we are literally one two-term period away from our country, becoming unrecognizable to the average person. And that is a frightening prospect because Republicans don’t do a good job of rolling things back. All they do when they have power is stop the advance of the left. But they don’t do anything institutionally to push it back.

Leahy: And let me illustrate that point. March 2010, purely partisan vote violating actually the Constitution in terms of how spending bills should originate. They jammed through Obamacare. The Supreme Court actually invented a reason not to declare it unconstitutional. John Roberts. When the Republicans took over, they in November 2010, did nothing to stop it.

Carmichael: No, that’s not true. It’s not true. That is not true. The House passed the bill to overturn Obamacare, and John McCain broke his word to his voters. And that one Republican vote stopped Obamacare from being overturned.

Leahy: Let me push back. When I say the Republicans did not stop it the Republicans did not stop it.

Carmichael: No, Michael, if you’re going to attack Republicans, don’t attack all Republicans attacked the guy that broke his word. And that’s John McCain. He lied to the voters. When he was running for reelection, he promised to vote to overturn Obamacare. And by the way, this is exactly why our side fails. Paul Ryan was considered weak. Paul Ryan passed all kinds of good legislation out of the House, but Mitch McConnell and I’m not blaming Mitch McConnell here, but Susan Collins and the guy from Delaware. The bald-headed guy from Delaware. What’s his name?

Leahy: Chris Coons.

Carmichael: Chris Coons. They wrote this passionate letter together to maintain the filibuster.

Leahy: And change their minds on that.

Carmichael: Well, no, Susan College didn’t go on. The Democrats did. Democrats did. But this is the point I’m trying to make. So don’t trash Republicans in general trash the ones that fail us individually.

Leahy: But that wasn’t an individual failure. It was a failure of the leadership to get all that.

Carmichael: No, it wasn’t, Michael. It was a failure of one guy.

Leahy: We will agree to disagree. On that we’ll agree to disagree back with more.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 







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