Crom Carmichael Says, Joe Biden and the Democrats Continue to Prove to be the Party of the KKK and Jim Crow


Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio.

Near the end of the second hour, Carmichael discussed Joe Biden’s recent racist comments stating that Black people think alike and Hispanics have a thought process that “varies.” He added that this and the recent support of White Democratic candidates in three state Senate races where White people were running against Black people in states where the Democrats do think they have a chance to win a Senate seat were heavily funded.

(Trump clip plays)

Leahy: (Laughs) We are going to have 90 days of Donald Trump just going after Joe Biden for being a guy in a basement who’s not doing anything.

Carmichael: You now that campaign lasts up to a point. And then if it turns out that it’s not working after that point it’s very difficult to change that strategy. I don’t know if you saw the latest thing that Biden said. It was on the news last night where he actually claimed that Black people all think the same but Hispanics have a variety of points of view.

Leahy: I saw that.

Carmichael: Can you think of anything more racist? Just truly just straight-up racists then saying that all Black people, because he’s talking about ethnicity here. He said with few exceptions or with notable exceptions Black people have one point of view. But Hispanics on the other hand they have a variety of views.

Leahy: That sounds like its racist to me.

Carmichael: It is clearly racist. It turned out that I was wrong when I said that Biden was explicitly saying he was going to discriminate against 85 percent of the population in selecting his VP. My friend pointed out after doing the math that its really 82.5 percent.

Leahy: Ah. Well.

Carmichael: I’m corrected by modest overstatement. But Biden is. So once again he’s proving that he sees people as identity. Then he identifies them for what he thinks they are. He says Black people all think alike. (Chuckles) By the way, he actually does. That wasn’t a misstatement. He believes that.

Leahy: He must.

Carmichael: (Leahy laughs) He did what he did to Clarence Thomas because Clarence Thomas didn’t think the way that Biden believed Black people should think. So not only did he think Black people all think alike, Joe Biden thinks that he entitled to determine how all Black people should think.

Leahy: I think that’s true.

Carmichael: Well he said that to Charlemagne the God. If a black person doesn’t know who he’s going to vote for, he ain’t Black. It’s further evidence. So for my Democrat friends out there why on earth are you supporting this person? And then the statement that he made a few years ago about 711 stores. That if you go into a 711 store you have to speak with a little bit of an Indian accent. I mean it, don’t you know? That’s what he said! He just is a really nasty guy.

Leahy: He’s kind of a bully too. He’ll go with this c’mon man!’

Carmichael: You saw what he did to the Black CBS reporter.

Leahy: The Black reporter asked him now, are you going to take a cognitive test.

Carmichael: No no. He didn’t say that. He said that he’d taken one. Because Biden said he’d taken a lot of them. So he was actually asking a softball question. He was saying, Mr. Vice President have you taken a cognitive test?

Leahy: To which Biden responds, c’mon man! Have you taken a drug test? Are you a druggie?

Carmichael: No and I’m not going to. Then his c’mon man stuff. Then accused him of being a druggie.

Leahy: You can’t make this stuff up.

Carmichael: No.

Leahy: You can’t make this stuff up. By the way, before we get onto your next topic, I just want to point out this. An ally of Alexander Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic Senate primary. Her name is Markita Bradshaw. And she describes herself as an environmental activist and a single mom.

Carmichael: OK.

Leahy: I can’t find what her job is. But let me describe from The Hill. Activist Markita Bradshaw scored a surprise victory in the Democratic Senate primary in Tennessee on Thursday. Dispensing with Senate Democrat leaders preferred candidate James Mackler. He’s an attorney and an army veteran from Nashville. In a five-way nominating contest. Bradshaw faced what appeared to be insurmountable odds.

Mackle, an Army veteran, and an attorney had the endorsement of the Democratic Senate campaign committee and a massive cash advantage over his opponents. Bradshaw by comparison raised only $8,420 in the first quarter. Doesn’t appear to have even filed a second-quarter FEC report. But Bradshaw who is Black dominated in Western Tennessee including in Shelby County where Memphis is located.

Carmichael: Here is what is interesting. The Democrat Party doesn’t really care who the Democratic Senate candidate is in Tennessee because the Democrat Party has determined that they are not going to win the Democratic Senate seat in Tennessee. OK? But there were three other races where there were White people running against Black people in states where the Democrats do think they have a chance to win a Senate seat.

And those states are North Carolina, Kentucky, and Texas. The Democrat Party spent tens of millions of dollars. This article says $50 million helping the White Democrat candidate defeat the Black Democrat candidate in the primary in those three states.

So the Democrat Party clearly by their own actions, they prefer White candidates over Black candidates where they think they can win. This shows once again that Biden’s racism has infected the party. Or confirmed that the party of the KKK and Jim Crow…

Leahy: And lynchings.

Carmichael: And lynchings.

Leahy: That party.

Carmichael: That party is still there. Is still throwing tens of millions of dollars at White candidates. These three Black candidates are all very reasonable candidates. But the Democrat party said, no-no-no. We’re going to tip the scales in favor of the White candidates. So there you have it.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Joe Biden Interview” by Yahoo News. 







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