Crom Carmichael Talks Mob Rule, Racism and White Privilege


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed in-studio all-star panelist Crom Carmichael.

During the third hour, Carmichael discussed the recent mob attack on the director of Arizona State’s School of Journalism after she had a tweet that had the phrase “good police” in it. He later advocated for all of the Chuck Todd’s and other white media talking heads to relinquish their positions to people of color.

Leahy: Crom, every time you come in you have some news of the lunacy out there in the world. You told me something during the break that seems incredible to me, but apparently it’s true.

Carmichael: I try to put these things into some kind of a context because if you take them just in isolation some of them are shoulder shruggers. I’m going to mess up this name. There is a woman named Sonya Forte Duhé who had been offered the job of the dean of Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism.

Leahy: Ok.

And she posted a tweet that said “For the family of George Floyd the good police officers who keep us safe, my students, faculty, and staff praying for peace on this Blackout Tuesday.” For that tweet, they piled on her. Another female black professor there said there is no way in hell black lives matter to you. You are one of if not the most racist human I have ever encountered in a professional setting. So that was the response to that tweet.

Leahy: Because of that tweet? Hold up. Can you break that down? What in that tweet was racist?

Carmichael: What was offensive and made people uncomfortable was that she referred to the good police officers that keep us safe. Because for the Left, there is no such thing as a good police officer. There isn’t such a thing for the Left. And that is what is so troubling is that this is a professor.

Then there are students that are now claiming that she’s said things to them. Of course, there is no way to prove that. Her job offer was rescinded. Apparently she had been offered the job and accepted the job. She was about to take the post for the fall and it has now been rescinded.

Other students are now claiming that she’s said things to them. Which to me these alleged statements, that also is part and parcel to what is going on now because now it’s just because somebody says you said something, it means you are guilty of saying it whether you have ever met that person.

Leahy: Talk about the mob ruling. Here’s a story from The New York Post. Forte Duhé faced accusations from nearly 200 former students at Loyola University in New Orleans where she was the school director of communication and design. Thes students told the State Press, ASU’s newspaper, that she engaged in behavior they found racist and discriminatory towards students of color and LGBTQ students.

Carmichael: Now, if you look at a picture of her, I believe that Forte Duhé is white. It may be French. Duhé.

Leahy: Forte Duhé.

Carmichael: Maybe French. She appears white. And that means that according to the Left that she has white privilege. Now imagine for a moment that you’re Chuck Todd. You clearly have not only white privilege. Forte Duhé is a female.

Not only is Chuck Todd’s case do you have white privilege you also have male privilege. Why does he still have his job? I truly don’t understand since NBC is so far to the Left I don’t know why they have a single white male because there are many people of color.

Leahy: Yes.

Carmichael: Who are qualified. And in Chuck Todd’s case, there would be at least a million (Leahy chuckles) qualified to ask his dumb questions. Anybody can do that. So I don’t understand why white liberals are still in journalism. Because first of all, they should have their jobs taken away from them just because they are white. But they also ought to give up their own jobs.

Leahy: They should give them up. Yes.

Carmichael: They should give them up because they say that we all must sacrifice in the name of the greater good. What a sterling image that would be if Chuck Todd stood up and said I am resigning from my post so long as NBC will agree to replace me with a person of color. And all white Fredo Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, the little short bald-headed guy, what’s his name?

Leahy: There are so many of them.

Carmichael: No, there’s one that looks like a little doughboy.

Leahy: On CNN?

Carmichael: Yeah he’s on CNN. Brian Stelter.

Leahy: Jeff Zucker mini-me.

Carmichael: He ought to resign. And all the white women should resign and should be replaced by females who are of color because the white women themselves all say that there is inherent and systemic racism.

Leahy: White privilege.

Carmichael: And white privilege. So they need to step up and show that they are willing to engage.

Leahy: When will Chuck Todd put on his Kente cloth scarf and kneel on the set of Meet the Press and beg forgiveness and give his job to a black person?

Carmichael: He just needs to do it.

Leahy: Needs to do it.

Carmichael: And until he does, he’s a hypocrite. In addition to being a bimbo. (Leahy laughs) We have a twofer here. I saw Mike that we have flurries of things going on here in Nashville over the chief of police.

Leahy: Yes.

Carmichael: I have a question for you. Are the police on the night of the riots when our Metro…

Leahy: The courthouse and Lower Broadway.

Carmichael: The courthouse was burned with a Molotov cocktail. I noted when I was watching TV  police were not in riot gear. They were just in their regular police uniforms. Who made the decision. Do you know who made the decision?

Leahy: I don’t think it’s been officially out there Crom but there are sources that tell us that the decision to not wear that gear was top-down not only just from the chief but there was a report that it was from the mayor.

Carmichael: Is there a way to check with the communications director for the chief of police and the mayor?

Leahy: Sure.

Carmichael: Because this is an important question. Because police people are human beings too. And based on what was going on in the rest of the country anyone with half a brain would know that putting them out there at night after dark is risky.

Leahy: I think you just raised the standard above most of our Democratic officials.

Carmichael: No. Our chief of police has been around a long time. I want to know who actually made that decision and dictated the policy.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Sonya Forte Duhé” by Loyola University. Background Photo “Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication Building” by Cygnusloop99. CC BY-SA 3.0.







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One Thought to “Crom Carmichael Talks Mob Rule, Racism and White Privilege”

  1. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Shame on Arizona State University for not having enough backbone to stand by their job offer and defend Ms. Duhe against this ridiculous attack.
