Crom’s Crommentary: Throwing Money at the Current Education System Will Actually Make It Even Worse

Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio for another edition of Crom’s Crommentary.


Alrighty, Michael. Well, I’m going to ask our audience to put on their thinking cap just for a second. And I’m going to ask them, what do Apple, Google, and Tesla all have in common? What do Apple, Tesla, and Google all have in common? (Hums “Jeopardy” theme)

The answer is they’re all being sued for discrimination. Okay? Here are these Woke companies. They actually are doing their absolute best to try to lift up people of color in this country. They’re doing their very best.

Google hired a person, a black lady whose job has given her millions of dollars to go to America’s finest college campuses and recruit black people to become employees at Google. Apple does the same thing. Tesla does the same thing.

Facebook does the same thing. What do you think their problem is? The problem is that they each need to hire, say, 5,000 to 10,000 black students coming out of college. And there are so many of these big Woke companies trying to do that.

And there’s a limited number of black people coming out of college that are qualified to work in a technology company. And that gets back to the subject of your interview [with State Senator Jon Lundberg].

And that is our education system. You can’t solve a problem in the end. It’s a little bit like, Michael, if you have a water leak in your house and what you do is you say, let’s increase our budget for towels so that we can soak up the water, when the real problem is you got to go turn off the water first at its source so that you can then solve the problem.

Throwing money at the current education system will actually make it even worse, because now, the bureaucracies – which is where the money goes, by the way, the money does not go [to the student]; the money may track the student.

I enjoyed the interview, by the way, and I understand the governor’s heart is in the right place, but the policy is not going to move the needle. All it’s going to do is increase spending. Here’s what I understood with the question you asked, and then the answer.

And that was that the money is tied to the student. So I don’t understand why tying the money to the student necessarily increases the amount of funding.

Because hear me out here. If a student moves for some reason from school A to school B, and the money follows the student, doesn’t the money leave the school with the kid? And so, therefore, the school that the kids left now has less money than it had before if the money is, in fact, attached to the student.

And so unless you increase the dollar amount per student, to me, it’s just moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic. But here’s what’s interesting about these three lawsuits: All these lawsuits are about people who feel uncomfortable in their jobs.

They don’t feel happy there, they don’t feel fulfilled, and that gets into the way the Left sees the world. The Left puts everybody in their own category and then they expect everybody who’s not in that category to make the people in the aggrieved category feel comfortable.

And that is literally an impossible task. How can you make somebody feel comfortable if they already feel uncomfortable to begin with? And so that’s what’s happening in the big Woke companies across our country.

Listen to the full interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.































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2 Thoughts to “Crom’s Crommentary: Throwing Money at the Current Education System Will Actually Make It Even Worse”

  1. Wolf Woman

    Both Republicans and Democrats are materialists who think money can achieve the goal. So just throw more money at the problem and it will be solved. My father was educated in a small town in the hills of Tennessee in the 1930’s when few people had two nickels to rub together. And his education was way superior to my grandchildren’s now.

    Children need a supportive family who encourages study and the learning process. Children need to be taught discipline and have a strong sense of purpose in their lives with a moral framework as a touchstone for behavior. Children need to be taught that electronic devices and the virtual world are no substitutes for human interaction and the beauty and grandeur of nature. Many children today don’t have any of these things that prepare them to be educated adults.

    What they do have is an overabundance of administrators making way too much money for instituting bureaucratic rules that are too political in nature (CRT, sex education, etc) and teachers who’ve been indoctrinated in socialistic ideals by progressive colleges. What’s the solution? I don’t know but something has to be done and I sure don’t think the governor has the answer.

  2. Randy

    Perhaps public education should not be funded with tax dollars. If corporate America and big Tech can’t find enough black employees, plumbers, electricians, Sanitation Engineers and Burger flippers. Perhaps they should stop voting for more crappy government and more spending to solve the problem.


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