David Briley Issues Executive Order Preventing Nashville from Helping ICE


NASHVILLE — Nashville Mayor David Briley announced at a press conference Tuesday that the city will not assist the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, as long as it can legally help it.

At the press conference, Briley also took issue with HB 2315, a state law that prohibits state and local governmental entities and officials from adopting sanctuary city policies.

“Frankly, HB2315 is un-American. It’s reminiscent of the general warrants that resulted in the American Revolution. HB2315 delegates the power to arrest to unnamed bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and it is a law that should be rescinded, repealed, and challenged in our state,” Briley said.

“Additionally, today I am also calling on the Metro Legal Director to explore any and all legal challenges to HB2315 that would result in it being declared unconstitutional.”

Briley said that once the law is overturned “we will take immediate action.”

Among those actions:

• Unless they are issued with a valid and properly issued warrant, no Metro agency or Metro employee or agent will give ICE or CBP access to a person being detained by or in the custody of that agent or agency. No Metro agency or Metro employee or agent will transfer any person into ICE or CBP custody.

• No Metro agency or Metro employee will permit ICE or CBP agents to use Metro facilities, information or equipment, including any agency, electronic databases, for investigative interviews or any other investigative purpose or to execute an immigration enforcement operation.

• No Metro agency or Metro employee or agent may spend time responding to ICE or CBP inquiries or communicating with ICE or CBP regarding a person’s custody, status, release date, or home or work address. The city will only cooperate in the context of a valid public records request or otherwise something required by state or federal law.

• Metro employees, agents or agencies may also not request information from a person about their citizenship or immigration status unless such inquiry or investigation is required by ordinance or ordered for state or federal law.

“Meanwhile, while we wait for this law to be declared unconstitutional, all Metro employees should know they will not be disciplined by the city or their supervisors for failure to comply with a request from ICE unless required by state or federal law,” Briley said before he announced the following executive actions:

• Every Metro department head and agency director must designate a person within his or her department or agency to get notified if an employee or an agent receives a request to support or assist an immigration enforcement act. The designee will communicate that request to the department head or director and document that request in a memorandum and send it to the Mayor’s Office of New Americans within three business days.

• Metro police officers will not inquire about people’s country of origin, and the MNPD will remove country of origin from municipal citations.


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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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28 Thoughts to “David Briley Issues Executive Order Preventing Nashville from Helping ICE”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported this week, Nashville Mayor David Briley announced the city will not assist the U.S. Immigration and Customs […]

  2. Coconuts

    When ICE comes to defend the American citizenry:
    -Gag and sneak the sex trafficked children out the rear door.
    -Flush all the drugs.
    -Place illegal weapons in the trashbin common space.
    -Smash any phones that have the numbers of fellow terrorist operatives.
    -Hide the rest of your fake identification inside a wall socket.
    -If you are wanted for felony murder, robbery, hit and run drunk driving vehicular manslaughter, under no circumstance do you present your real identification.
    -Demand your liberal attorney.

  3. Marla

    Protest Mayor Briley and his stand against ICE – Call or write Governor Bill Lee
    1st Floor, State Capitol
    Nashville, TN 37243
    (615) 741-2001
    Let your voice be heard or Nashville will be more dangerous and horrible than Memphis!
    Vote For America Vote Republican!

  4. Wolf Woman

    Don’t think getting rid of Mayor Briley will help this situation. John Cooper is also for Nashville being a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. The progressive socialists who’ve taken over Nashville are all behind sanctuary cities, including most of the Metro Council members. They want serfs, or should we say peons for cheap labor for gardeners, nannies, housework, construction and, of course, for votes. Briley, et al., feel righteous to be helping the illegals while we pay for their’ privileges.

    1. Donnybrook

      The predicable Wolf Woman, YAAAWWWWWNNNNNNN.

  5. Nancy

    This is unbelievable! Hopefully this sucker will be out of office soon. Illegal immigrants is what’s illegal! What part of coming to our country illegally do these people not understand? Try to waltz into another country and see how far you get.

  6. RONALD Harrus

    This will end up making Nashville like Montgomery County Maryland which has had 7 rapes this month alone by illegals.

  7. Sinaloa Drug Cartel

    Thank you Mayor Briley. You have our support.

    1. Well done, very nice, excellent comment. Ha! Actually brilliant!

  8. john

    We have a homeless crisis, a police department with officers that have one hand tied behind their backs, an A$$hole for a Mayor, who can control his spending, supports a 30,000 seat soccer stadium for a so call professional soccer club who can’t even fill the sound stadium during a home game, and now he want to protect ILLEGAL ALIENS, who’s country is involve in Drug and Human Trafficking’. Conservatives, Republicans vote for Cooper, hold your nose if you need too at least the smell is better than the current Mayor Foul Smell, Briley oath of office requires him to uphold the laws of the United State not be a Traitor to the taxpayers of Davidson County.

  9. Randy Pace

    Stupid is as stupid does. The great state of Tennessee deserves better.

    1. Joe

      I am Tennessee born. I dont know where that Mayor was born or what evil planet he is from but Nashville deserves better.

  10. Pissed off Nashvillian

    Deport Briley!

  11. Ned T.

    Unbelievable. Are Nashvillians so far left that they actually think this is a good idea?
    I hope the state hammers Metro and Mayor Snowflake.

      1. Hap Happold

        Mayor turning town in to sanctuary City. Does not care about citizens safety.

        Another Chicago.

  12. 83ragtop50

    Unfortunately this is what the once great Nashville is devolving into.

  13. […] 12 mayoral runoff election, stepped up the city’s flouting of state and federal laws when he issued an executive order that, among other things, calls on the Nashville Davidson County delegation of the Tennessee […]

    1. Fireguy

      As the grandson of a legal immigrant, I hope that in a few short days we can put this “mayor” out to pasture. The only other choice we have has question marks all over his political resume too but hopefully the people will insist that he follow the laws of this country, that have been on the books for years. If anyone thinks that not securing our borders against this invasion of illegal aliens is not a good sound principle and following the laws of the country are not a good sound principle, need a major dose of walking around sense. Coming into our country legally?? Welcome, and thanks for doing it the right way. We should not expect anything less.
