Democrat Congressman Seth Moulton Wanted to Oust Pelosi and Now Wants to Take on Trump in 2020

by Evie Fordham


Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton became to the third politician from the state to announce a 2020 presidential run Monday.

Moulton, 40, will compete with Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the Democratic primary. He will also stand in contrast to former Republican Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, who is challenging President Donald Trump in the GOP primary.

“I’m running because we have to beat Donald Trump,” Moulton said in a brand-new campaign video. “And I want us to beat Donald Trump because I love this country.”

The congressman has served Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District since 2015 and is known for opposing Democratic California Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House after the 2018 midterm elections. Moulton eventually voted for Pelosi after top Democrats agreed to term limits for their leadership positions, reported WBUR.


Moulton detailed his decision to join the Marine Corps in 2001 and his tough first congressional race against a Democratic incumbent in his campaign video.

Moulton earned a degree in physics from Harvard University in 2001. He returned to the institution after four tours in Iraq to earn a master’s degrees in business and public policy at the Harvard Business School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, reported MassLive.

Moulton may struggle to differentiate himself from some of the other Democratic candidates already in the 2020 race. Democratic Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan has also positioned himself against Pelosi and at 45, is around Moulton’s age. Moulton has also been compared to media darling and 2020 hopeful Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg, 37, is also a veteran with an Ivy League background.

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Evie Fordham is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Evie on Twitter @eviefordham.
Image “Rep. Seth Moulton” by Rep. Seth Moulton; “Gov. Bob Weld” by Gage Skidmore; “Sen Elizabeth Warren” by CFPB.














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One Thought to “Democrat Congressman Seth Moulton Wanted to Oust Pelosi and Now Wants to Take on Trump in 2020”

  1. Bill Delzell

    If he wants to oppose Pelosi, that’s fine with me. She and the leadership of the Democratic Party are really secretly in cahoots with the Republicans by using the Mueller Report as an excuse for the Party to cop out on dealing issues of chief importance to the grass-roots rank-and-file voters who returned the Democrats to control of the House of Representatives: affordable health care; environmental protection; safe streets; efficient infrastructure like balanced mass transportation to lessen our dependence on private automobiles; strong public schools with decent teacher salaries; etc. Pelosi and Company, however, want to indefinitely delay these progressive reforms and, instead, to support reckless military adventures in Israel/Palestine; expanding NATO to Russia in order to provoke nuclear war; and to block needed peaceful solutions to the 75 year old Korean Peninsula’s civil war, reckless adventures in Venezuela, and other pointless foreign skirmishes that will put our troops at needless risk while Pelosi and Company stay home living off the blood money of young Americans.

    I voted in the 2016 primary for Bernie Sanders and in the general election for fourth party candidate Jill Stein because I am fed up with the leadership of both parties who are under the control of right-wing militarists. In some ways, Hillary Clinton was even more trigger-happy than Trump because at least Trump during the election showed far more flexibility than she did over Korea and N.A.T.O.

    My quarrel is not with the rank-and-file members of the House, but with their leadership under Nancy Pelosi. The same goes with the Senate under military-puppet Chuck Schumer.
