Democrat State Representative Mike Stewart Is Sole ‘No’ Vote Against House Resolution Honoring Organization That Fights Human and Child Trafficking

State Representative Mike Stewart (D-Nashville) voted against a resolution honoring an organization that fights human and child trafficking.

The Tennessee state House of Representatives passed HJR0856, “A RESOLUTION to recognize Mission America Foundation” on Thursday. The vote was 83-1. Stewart was the sole no vote.

The resolution was on the House consent calendar on February 24 but sources tell The Tennessee Star that five Democrat state representatives objected and action was deferred. It was then placed on the regular calendar for March 3 to receive a normal vote.

The resolution says:

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, that we honor and commend Mission America Foundation for its important work in reducing the incidence of child sex trafficking, rescuing its victims, and prosecuting its perpetrators.

It is now ready for transmission to the state Senate.

The Mission America Foundation is a veteran-led foundation that combats human and child trafficking.

The Mission America Foundation’s website describes the work it does, “Mission America is dedicated to eradicating Child and Human Trafficking. We utilize prior military personnel to investigate trafficking leads and providing intelligence to law enforcement agencies. We provide ‘Situationally Aware Fundamentally Empowered’ (S.A.F.E), self defense training to young boys and girls. Our focus is increasing trafficking awareness, through speaking engagements to bring awareness to the domestic trafficking problems that plague this great nation.”

Mission America Foundation Co-Chair Aaron Spradlin gave his reaction to the passage on the resolution. He was deeply honored, thanked the House members that voted in favor, and had special praise for Rep. Grills, the sponsor of the resolution. “On behalf of the Mission America Foundation, I would like to thank all of the state representatives who voted in favor of adopting House Joint Resolution 856 and thereby acknowledged their support of MAF’s mission to eradicate child trafficking in the state of Tennessee.” said Spradlin. “We are deeply honored by this recognition and would like to personally thank State Representative Rusty Grills and his staff for their work to bring this to the attention of the General Assembly and the great state of Tennessee.”

Spradlin understands the depth and seriousness of the issue of child trafficking. “Child trafficking is a crime against humanity. It affects all demographics and does not discriminate based on race, sex, income or geographic location.”

Spradlin continued, expressing his disappointment in the fact that the vote was non unanimous. “This is why we find it so disturbing and disheartening that the passage of HJR 856 was not unanimous and that there are some Tennessee legislators that chose to either ignore the problem and abstain from placing a vote or who aren’t in support of fighting child trafficking here in Tennessee. With 95 out of 95 counties reporting cases of child trafficking, every state representative has constituents affected by this epidemic. This is NOT a political issue and we strongly urge our Tennessee legislators to stop trying to make it one.”

The Star reached out for comment to Stewart’s office regarding his vote, asking: “Could you comment on your no vote on HJR0856? The record shows that there were eighty-three votes in favor and only your vote was against. What objections did you have to the resolution? Do you have a specific issue with the Mission America Foundation?”

The Star did not receive a response from Stewart or his office.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR.
Background Photo “Tennessee State House Chamber” by Ichabod. CC BY-SA 3.0.



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3 Thoughts to “Democrat State Representative Mike Stewart Is Sole ‘No’ Vote Against House Resolution Honoring Organization That Fights Human and Child Trafficking”

  1. jamesb

    guess a no vote would mean this guy supports those things, maybe he will appear on here to explain.

  2. John

    From the White House of the 90’s, to Hollywood, to former Subway commercial personalities, is it any shock that the one no vote is a Democrat?

    The sad part is, even with such an overwhelming vote, chances are quite a few yes voters (on both sides) are involved in the very thing they allegedly stand against.

    And as far as resolutions? Useless. Nothing more than recognition. Does absolutely nothing to fight against human/child trafficking. About as useful as wearing a pink ribbon to, cough cough… ‘show support.’

    1. 83ragtop50

      John, I agree 100% about the useless of resolutions. I elect my rep and senator to do state level business. They can show their support for deserving groups, such as this one, at a personal level. It just seems like pandering to the public.
