Democrat Steve Cohen Tries to Walk Back Purple Heart Slur of Veterans

Steve Cohen

U.S. Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) wants to take it back after drawing fire for flippantly telling anti-Trump FBI lovebird Peter Strzok he wanted to give him a Purple Heart during a Congressional hearing.

The Memphis Democrat made the remark during the disgraced FBI agent’s heated testimony in front of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees regarding his bias against President Donald Trump.

For an analysis of the hearing, click here.

Even reporter Aaron Blake of the Washington Post was dumbfounded:

Now, Cohen wants to take it back. Newsmax quoted his interview with CNN’s Ana Cabrera: “I regret using the term ‘Purple Heart. I used it metaphorically, not literally. I never thought, literally, it should be given to Agent Strzok,” he said.

The Purple Heart is given to U.S. service members who are wounded or are killed during combat.

The apology may be too little, too late.

Some veterans in Tennessee say they’re planning a protest march in protest of Cohen’s remark, Fox News reports.

Sean Higgins, an Air Force veteran from Memphis, is leading the upcoming march, The Tennessean reported. Higgins said many constituents are “p****d as hell” after Cohen said Strzok deserved the military award.

“How do you compare someone getting wounded in combat to someone getting in trouble for message he sent? How can Cohen claim (Strzok) get a Purple Heart for that?” Higgins said.

Even Geraldo Rivera is calling Cohen out, Newsmax reports.

Rivera says Cohen owes the military an apology.

“I think Congressman Cohen owes all of the service members who have been killed or wounded in action a heart-felt apology. He never should have gone there,” the Fox News personality said Friday on “Fox & Friends.”











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51 Thoughts to “Democrat Steve Cohen Tries to Walk Back Purple Heart Slur of Veterans”

  1. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  2. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  3. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  4. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  5. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  6. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  7. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  8. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  9. […] Cohen, who said he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok – only to later regret his words, called for the military to step in and stage a […]

  10. Richard Perkins

    Steve Cohen made a totally inappropriate comment at a recent congressional hearing regarding the awarding of a Purple Heart. Positive recognition of an individual who apparently is in complete denial of what deep personal feelings and bias can have on any action, particularly one where he is the lead investigator is incredible. Congressman Cohen compounded this injustice by asserting the comment regarding the award of a Purple Heart. It is utterly incomprehensive how a US Congressman can make such a comment and not be held accountable. As a military veteran who served in Viet Nam and know what military members did to receive such an award Congressman Cohen’s comments and actions are despicable and clearly reflect his inability to serve in the US Congress. I really hope the people of the 9th District recognize his allegiance to the Washington swamp and react accordingly.
    Richard Perkins
    Lt Col USAF(Ret)

  11. Lloyd Barnett

    I thought I might have something pertinent to add to these comments, but Bill E., M, and Ralph said it all much better than I! Kudos to you all !
    L.P. Barnett

  12. M

    You said it all my friend. Red nose and all he is truly a part of the problem with his friends Waters, Booker, Pelosi, and Schumer. Scum bags!

  13. Bill E.

    And ergo your leader in Memphis. You guys must be proud….No substance, no integrity, not changing his words from a perspective of noble conscience, but rather a political one. Is there any wonder of the state of this city? Try implementing morality, common sense, and most importantly, GOD into your daily lives and watch Memphis come back from the pit of despair.

  14. Ralph

    Ah yes, this would be the same Comrade Cohen who has been a professional politician since 1978 – first as county commissioner, then 24 years in TN State Senate, and “representing” the 9th District in Congress since 2007. So, how’s Memphis been doing over all that time, eh Comrade? I mean, since you now sit on the Ethics Committee (oh, the irony) and the Justice Committee (ditto), surely there must be some other explanation, something other than your long history of political “leadership”, to account for the fact that, among large cities, Memphis now ranks number 2 in the country in terms of violent crime? Baltimore is worse, but not by much. It really takes some kind of magic to beat out St. Louis, New Orleans, and Birmingham on that score, but by golly, you sure did.

    So let’s see here, you voted against the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act, you voted against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, you voted against the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act ( – gee, one would guess that you may not really represent Tennessee values all that much after all. Well, I guess your constituents can just revel in their misery – with all that union money behind you (, how can you lose, eh Comrade?
