Democrat Tennessee State Senator Says Christians Use Faith to Justify ‘Hatred and Racial Terror’

A Tennessee state senator said on X, formerly known as Twitter, Saturday that Christians use their faith to justify racial terror.

“Never forget that hatred and racial terror was – and still is – justified in the name of Christianity,” said State Sen. Charlane Oliver (D-Nashville), whose biography on the Tennessee General Assembly website curiously lists her as a Christian.

The initial post, shared by X account @AfricanArchives, says the following:

On September 9, 1957, as 19 Black six-year-olds integrated all-white elementary schools in Nashville, Tennessee, white church members—including one local minister—organized a persistent and violent campaign to oppose the integration of Nashville public schools. Outside Fehr Elementary School, one person held a sign that read “God is the author of segregation” and pursued two Black children walking to the school. Outside three different elementary schools that same morning, Fred Stroud, a white minister, sought to dissuade white parents from allowing their children to be educated alongside Black children by preaching damnation for those who did not uphold segregation.

The post was shared by State Rep. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), who is currently mounting a long shot bid for U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in a campaign that is heavily focused on radical gun control policies.

As it turns out, Oliver serves on Johnson’s U.S. Senate campaign.

“Standing Tall w/ [Johnson]! Honored to serve as co-chair in her bid for U.S. Senate. Like my mom, she’s a special edu teacher. I know a fighter when I see one and Gloria will leave it all on the battlefield for working families. Let’s send Marsha & her bad hair weave packing!” Oliver said on X last week, attaching a photo of herself with Johnson. 

Oliver, who has been touted as a new “civil rights leader” in the Tennessee Senate, is the cofounder of a nonprofit called The Equity Alliance.

“Our mission is to unapologetically build independent Black political and economic power. We educate, empower, and mobilize Black people to take action and keep our government in check,” that group’s website says. “As the Tennessean’s 2020 People of the Year, we are the leading Black-led organization in Tennessee that takes bold action to mobilize the Black electorate to be civically engaged, challenge systemic inequities rooted in white supremacy, and stand up against attacks on our democracy.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “State Senator Charlane Oliver” by Charlane Oliver.



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12 Thoughts to “Democrat Tennessee State Senator Says Christians Use Faith to Justify ‘Hatred and Racial Terror’”

  1. Sim

    “Christian”, “Democrat”

    Isn’t that an “Oxymoron”???

    2Jo 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
    11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

    The Democrat party/Joe Biden, support every “Abomination” God mentioned in Scripture.

    Sen. Charlane Oliver is a member of the “Devil’s Party”, blaming others for the “EVIL” her own party is the “Father of”.

    2Co 3:14 But their minds were blinded:

  2. Rico Suave

    As I recall it was the “Christian” Democrats running the KKK, lynching blacks, blowing up schools and beating civil rights marchers Senator.

  3. Tim Price

    Democrats spreading more lies to justify their twisted agenda.

  4. Randall Davidson

    some elect people like this woman and complain when nothing gets done. Not much of a legislator in my book. Good comment about the Titans and funding of the “equity alliance”.
    The pendulum has indeed swung to far……

  5. GregSchmitty

    Here are some of the sponsors of the Equity Alliance fundraisers that pays this State Senator because obviously other than the now State Senate stipend, she has no other real employment.
    Deloitte (biggest sponsor); Vanderbilt (shocking!), Citizens Bank, BNA, Belmont, RH Boyd and the Tennessee Titans. Matt WIlshire gave them some money as well.

    I’m wondering if the Titans need public funding for their new stadium if they can afford to support groups and individuals like this?

  6. james bellar

    tonight, in your prayers please tell God about your belief. perhaps he can help you because no one on this earth can .your comments remind me of statements made by the KKK who founded the political party you belong to.

  7. Steve Allen

    As is always the case with democrats, they are guilty of what they accuse others of committing. Let me remind Ms. Oliver that it was the racist democrats who she speaks of. When are these useful idiots going to realize that only those with the most hatred fall for the democrats worn out lies about how white people are racists and are out to get the black person. Thank goodness more and more non-white people are waking up to the democrats continuing lies. The democrats are on a never end quest to divide this nation so they can completely take control and nullify the Constitution. Well, I’ve got new for y’all….it ain’t gonna happen!

  8. D.J.

    Unfortunately, this radical Communist anti-Christian racist Oliver is my State Senator. Sadly, this is the only type of individual the TN Demonrats allow to run for office anymore. The days of sane liberals like Thelma Harper and John DeBerry are long gone.

  9. Tom Richardson

    Never forget that the Klu Klux Klan was created by the Marxist Democrat Party as their enforcers against blacks “back in the day” and the Marxist Democrats of today are the party trying to keep blacks “on the plantation”, which is why so many blacks are leaving the Marxist Democrat plantation for the GOP MAGA Party led by Our President. Any black supporting Marxist Democrats today, much less being one, is either a co-conspirator or a useless idiot….

  10. Ms Independent

    Charlane Oliver (D-Nashville) just spread hate herself against Christians.

  11. nicky wicks

    yes, and Lyndon Johnson was a huge racist as well.

  12. levelheadedconservative

    I’m new to town, so forgive my ignorance on this subject. Weren’t most of the KKK, and the segregationists in general, Democrats? My guess is that Stroud was a radical Democrat who allowed his social/political background to exegetically influence his understanding of scripture, thus using it as a weapon
