Democratic Congresswoman Haaland Defends Antifa as ‘Peaceful Protesters’

by Peter Hasson


Democratic New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland described Antifa as “peaceful protesters” Saturday, the same day members of the violent group clashed with the right-wing Proud Boys in Portland.

Haaland offered the inaccurate description on CNN after President Donald Trump tweeted “Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.’”

“This is on par with what the president does. He sides with the white supremacists, the white nationalists, with the domestic terrorists in our country, just as — you know, he has incited violence against people of color,” Haaland said.

“Portland is a progressive city. They want to ensure that they keep their city moving forward. It’s not surprising that Trump would side away from the folks who are the peaceful protesters working to safe guard their city from domestic terrorism. Just not surprised at all that the president sides with the white nationalists. That’s been his mode of operation since before he was elected president,” the congresswoman continued.

Haaland’s misleading description of the left-wing movement was first flagged by the conservative Media Research Center.

Contrary to the congresswoman’s claim, Antifa members have repeatedly engaged in violence.

Masked individuals at an Antifa rally in June violently attacked journalist Andy Ngo, sending him to the hospital. Antifa members in Philadelphia attacked two Marines in Philadelphia last year.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.












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3 Thoughts to “Democratic Congresswoman Haaland Defends Antifa as ‘Peaceful Protesters’”

  1. Traditional thinker

    Transgender? Hard to tell..

  2. Terry

    Another ignorant, stupid liberal demwit. Antifa and those that support them are heading for a way overdue smackdown. They are NOT peaceful and if you need to wear a mask and physically attack people, you’re a piece of shit coward!

  3. DB Blair

    Antifa IS peaceful, compared to your average abortionist, especially the ones that do 3rd trimester abortions.
