Democratic Socialists of America Rally in Nashville to Support Terrorist Group Hamas and Oppose Israel

Several hundred members of the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America and other leftist groups rallied in Nashville on Saturday to support the terrorist group Hamas and oppose Israel’s actions to defend itself. The rally took place one week after more than 1,200 Israelis were massacred by Hamas terrorists, who launched a sneak attack into Israel from the Gaza strip on October 7.

“This is supposed to be a retaliation against propaganda and against media trying to play this narrative that all of this started October 10th, and trying to ignore all the context related to the 75-plus years of not only occupation, but ethnic cleansing and genocide,” a woman by the name of Fatehiya,”who helped organize the pro-Palestine protest,” told WKRN.

Traffic in downtown Nashville was tied up as the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinians marched to the Legislative Plaza from 800 Broadway Street.

A counter-protest of pro-Israel supporters pushed back on the pro-Hamas narrative.

“On the seventh of this month, Israel was attacked by a bunch of monsters. They butchered kids, babies, mothers, and the elderly,” Tomer Minuskin told WKRN.

“Both my parents, my mother and my father have been in shelters since the seventh of this month. They cannot leave their houses because we still have terrorists that are outside and trying to hunt Israelis.

As The Tennessee Star reported on Saturday:

Metro Nashville Councilman Sean Parker is a founding member of the Democratic Socialists of America-Middle Tennessee Chapter, which has scheduled a rally for Palestine on Saturday afternoon in downtown Nashville.

The “Emergency Rally for Gaza,” scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. in front of the Estes Kefauver Federal Building on Broadway, will be held exactly one week after the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip and raped, tortured, and systematically murdered 1,300 Israelis, most of them innocent civilians. More Jews were killed last week than on any day since the Holocaust, according to the Economist. Among the dead are 27 Americans, and a handful of U.S. nationals are part of the approximately 150 people the terrorist group took hostage.

Saturday morning, in advance of the rally, Parker tweeted that “Palestinians are welcome in Nashville,” a response to federal legislation that would prohibit the resettlement of any refugees from Gaza in the United States.

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Michael Patrick Leahy is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Image “Pro-Palestine Protest” by ANSWER Coalition.



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12 Thoughts to “Democratic Socialists of America Rally in Nashville to Support Terrorist Group Hamas and Oppose Israel”

  1. John Bumpus

    Thank you for the kind words, Dr. Ken. This is reportedly a true story. The town was supposedly Canon City, Colorado. I don’t know when it happened, but it sounds to me like it occurred in the early days of Colorado statehood. Colorado became a State in 1876.

  2. levelheadedconservative

    I am curious about something. Where do you get your “objective investigative journalism”? Rocky makes some really good points below, including an answer to your question, “How can Americans govern ourselves if all we get is lies and propaganda?”.

    It is clear that you side with the Palestinians in this battle for a small piece of land. And I must say, contrary to your declaration, I definitely am not a Palestinian. I am human, however. And as humans go there seems to be one historical fact: Whoever won the last war, gets the land. The state of Israel as we know it was created after the atrocities of WWII. about 20 years ago they ceded a portion of that land to the Palestinians. For most of the time since, the Palestinians have terrorized and chastised the Israelites, all in effort to eliminate the Jewish people and take the land that has been fought over for millennia. The recent atrocities committed by Hamas are among the most brutal ever recorded. It is my opinion that Israel has a right to protect itself in order to keep that from happening again. In this case that means the elimination of Hamas and taking back control of Judea and Samaria.

    I truly appreciate that you have shared your opinion and hope that you will continue to join discussions in the comment sections of articles here.

  3. Bruce Leinaar

    A Communist by any other name is still a Filthy Commie.

  4. Barbara

    It’s the Palestinians who are terrorized. Israelis have no legal right to Gaza and they keep pushing and killing and terrorizing Palestinians to try to drive them out and create a Greater Israel. I strongly oppose ALL money and weapons daily sent to Israel in the tens of millions as a result of Jewish power over congress. No American can get elected to any office without bowing to Israel and this is wrong and it’s evil.

    This report is not objective and does not reflect objective investigative journalism. I’m sick of the pro-Jewish/Israeli propaganda and it is evidence of the power and choke hold that Jews have on American and world media. How can Americans govern ourselves if all we get is lies and propaganda? We’re all Palestinians.

  5. nicky wicks

    if they are so proud of their position why do so many wear masks?


  6. Dr Ken

    I have to question if the majority of the participants really believe of what they are protesting, On multiple campuses I have seen many protest just to be oppositional. They base their position on nothing more than snippets of news, word of mouth from equally ignorant peers. They are completely devoid of the regional history. Typical of most zealots, yesterday they protested Israel retaliation to terrorism. I have no doubt how the protestors would respond if they were targeted by Hamas terrorist gliding into their group firing automatic fire weapons.
    Today the group will reconvene and probably protest having to make restitution on the student promissory notes they signed for money they borrowed. I fully agree with Mr. Bumpus, I would rather have a prison than a liberal arts college in town.

  7. Rocky

    Would there have been a different outcome if the Israeli Government did not disarm its citizens?
    Think about that. How many of these terrorists have cells in the USA?
    Why are there politicians that wish to disarm America?
    There are some politicians that do not like the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as well as many Law Schools.
    There were some problems in America on the day of jihad.
    I have had Muslims for friends and neighbors.
    They were not jihadists nor Islamist’s.
    Don’t let the false MSM dictate what you think.
    They have no cognitive process, you do.

  8. Sim

    Ge 15:18 In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:

    Israel’s “Trials & Tribulations” are because they rejected Jesus, but God will keep his covenant.

    America had best take note, they too have rejected Jesus, and the same Judgment/Chastisement will befall it as well as Israel.

  9. Nashville Deplorable


  10. levelheadedconservative

    This is America. They still have the right to have their voice heard, even when I don’t agree with them – like now. I am glad they did not turn violent in response to the call for ” a day of global jihad” that the terrorists sought on Friday.
    This has been an ongoing battle for millennia. The actions taken by Hamas in their raid are as brutal as any seen during that time. Any nation has the right to defend itself against such attacks, as does any individual. We must remain vigilant as our porous border has let an unknown number of violent extremists into our country. They have had freedom of movement and are likely among even the Tennessee population.

  11. Mad Celt

    If they had guts they would have marched in Jerusalem.

  12. John Bumpus

    After reading this report, I am reminded of the story of a town in a Western State that was given a choice by the State Legislature. The town could have the State Prison, or the town could have a State College. The town chose the prison.


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