Democrats Have Continuously Failed to Make Case for Impeachment of President Trump, Rep. Green Says


U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) is continuing his support of President Donald Trump amid the Democrats’ calls for impeachment.

On Monday, the Republican congressman appeared on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom to say the president is correct in calling for a Ukranian investigation of Joe Biden’s son Hunter, The Tennessee Star reported.

“Joe Biden admitted to pressuring with a billion-dollar loan threat the government of Ukraine to fire an investigator who maybe was getting a little close to the $3 million payment that went to Biden’s son, routed through two different countries,” Green said. “Maybe they were getting too close and that’s why the billion-dollar bribe happened. That’s O.K. to the Democrat party? Their concept of right and wrong is upside down.”

The growing support for impeachment is based on allegations that Trump pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden, The Star said. Trump allegedly threatened to withhold military aid if President Volodymyr Zelensky didn’t comply.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she is ready to move on a formal impeachment inquiry.

Green is not backing down.

On Tuesday, Green tweeted, “Great to join @cvpayne on @FoxNews earlier. @JoeBiden has a lot to worry about here. He’s the one who used a billion dollar loan to pressure the Ukraine government to fire an inspector who was getting a little close to his son’s $3 million deal. This will get interesting, fast.

Green also said, in a statement, “Over the past nine months, Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat committee chairs have turned every committee they could into an investigations committee. Ways and Means, Financial Services, Intelligence, Oversight, Judiciary—nearly every Democrat committee chairman is investigating some aspect of the President.

“Democrats failed to make the case for impeachment with the Mueller investigation, and Democrats failed to make the case for impeachment with each of their other investigations. They’ve been in charge for nearly a year and have nothing to show for it.  Instead of trying to impeach the President, let’s get to work for the American people.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.








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  1. […] with a number of leading Tennessee Republicans, including U.S. Rep. Dr. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04), U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07), U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Manny Sethi and U.S. Senate candidate Bill […]
