Despite Resignation of Glen Casada, Tennessee Democrats Still Want GOP Blood


Democrats and other leftists took to Twitter Tuesday to let the world know they feel empowered and want as many Republican scalps as they can collect.

This, on the same day Glen Casada announced he would step down as Tennessee speaker of the house.

Some of these people seemed to suggest this wasn’t just about politics or matters or law. This was personal.

One poster, for instance, seemed to call on all Tennessee Democrats to act out violently against Casada, while another poster seemed to suggest Casada do the noble thing and commit suicide.

As reported, members of the mainstream media published Casada’s tawdry and offensive — yet private — text messages.

Holly McCall, who ran unsuccessfully against Mary Mancini for Tennessee Democratic Party chair, said her animus against Casada was political — and also personal.

“So here’s the rub: If @GlenCasada stays in his HD 63 seat until November, the GOP can appoint someone to fill in. That person then is the incumbent in the 2020 election – also a presidential year – making it even harder for a Dem to win,” McCall wrote.

McCall went on to say that “if Casada leaves the legislature before November 2019, a special election is triggered, and we know that’s Democrats’ best chance to win.”

Before news broke out that Casada would resign, McCall said on Twitter she had mixed feelings about a special legislative session to remove him, but added “I want to see him go through the ringer.”

McCall then blamed Casada for, among other things, blocking Medicaid expansion in Tennessee and having an unnamed activist arrested and falsely prosecuted — likely referring to Vanderbilt Divinity School student Justin Jones.

As The Star reported, Jones allegedly threw coffee at Casada and State Rep. Debra Moody, R-Covington, earlier this year. Moody captured the alleged assault on video.

Authorities have since banned Jones from the state capitol.

Among the other reactions from Tennessee’s left-wing keyboard warriors, via Twitter:

Lance Lyons demanded that mainstream media reporters treat all Republicans as corrupt.

Robert Moulton demanded that all Tennessee Democrats “Go for the throat of Glen Casada.”

• J. Neal Rager told Casada to “cut your losses, resign (from government altogether), and you’ll be given a lucrative lobbying gig. And consider yourself lucky: a ‘gentleman’ of your ilk in the early days of TN’s statehood, would’ve only been given a revolver with a single bullet loaded in it.”

• Jennifer Lee Kirk said Casada “is one scary, hypocrite. Believes rights come from God, not our government.”

• Cody L. Williams posted about how Democrats could use Casada’s scandal to their advantage, adding “if all republicans who got caught resigned, dems would gain control of both houses simply thru process of elimination.”

Twitter user @scott195302, however, asked whether it’s wise to condemn a politician for things he or she says in private messages.

“Where does this stop? Everyone that is asking him to step down how far back can we look at their messages sent and received from everyone that is or plan on leading the state and United States?” @scott195302 wrote.

“Not agreeing with messages sent here but I feel that this is a slippery slope.”

According to sources, the man who tipped off News Channel 5’s Phil Williams did so using private texts from not only Casada but his former chief of staff Cade Cothren.

Sources also said Casada, Cothren, and Williams’ anonymous tipster used their private cell phones to carry on these conversations — and not government-issued phones.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Glen Casada” by Glen Casada.






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3 Thoughts to “Despite Resignation of Glen Casada, Tennessee Democrats Still Want GOP Blood”

  1. Justin

    Blood? Naa, just want to cook them on a spit and serve them for dinner.

  2. Austin

    My question is, how were the private text messages discovered?

  3. Russ Crouch

    They just want any blood anywhere they can get it. They are learning from Washington.
