Detroit Democrat Jonathan Kinloch Pushing Censure of State Lawmaker Says Elected Dems ‘Do Not Belong to Themselves’

by Debra Heine


Michigan Democrats plan to censure the state lawmaker who “broke protocol” by thanking President Trump for recommending hydroxychloroquine.  State Rep. Karen Whitsett (pictured right) earlier this month credited the controversial drug for saving her life after she had battled the deadly coronavirus for weeks.

Elected Democrats “do not belong to themselves,” explained Jonathan Kinloch, the chairman of the 13th Congressional District Democratic Party Organization (pictured left).

The organization plans to vote on a resolution to censure Whitsett via Zoom on Saturday, the Detroit News reported.

The resolution says that Whitsett “has repeatedly and publicly praised the president’s delayed and misguided COVID-19 response efforts in contradiction with the scientifically based and action-oriented response” from Michigan’s Democratic leadership, “endangering the health, safety and welfare of her constituents, the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan.”

During a meeting at the White House with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and other COVID-19 survivors on April 14, Whitsett was apparently improperly gracious toward the president.

“Thank you for everything that you have done,”  the first term lawmaker told Trump at the meeting. “I did not know that saying thank you had a political line. … I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words.”

According to the Detroit News, Whitsett has kept busy throughout the pandemic, “delivering food and cleaning products to those in need.”

After the censure, Whitsett will not get an endorsement from 13th Congressional District Dems, nor will she be allowed to engage in the group’s activities for the next two election cycles, according to the Detroit News.

“At the end of the day, we have political systems,” said Kinloch. “We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason.”

Kinloch suggested that Whitsett has no personal autonomy and in fact belongs to the Democrat party of Michigan.

“They do not belong to themselves,” Kinloch said of endorsed candidates and elected officials. “They belong to the members and precinct delegates of the Democratic Party.”

President Trump offered his support for Whitsett late Thursday, and again on Friday.

Donald Trump Jr., also offered support in a tweet, Thursday: “What a joke. Remember folks, the narrative can only be against Trump and if you break those rules the left will turn on their own.”

Kinloch told Detroit News that the 13th Congressional Democratic group on Sunday asked Whitsett to come in for a “screening” of candidates for her house district, and she refused.

“Don’t play with us,” Kinloch said. “This is very serious when we ask to have a conversation with you and you choose not to.”
He added: “We’re not going to accept that. How they handle you in Lansing as far as the Democratic caucus that’s on them. But how we handle you back at home, that’s on us.”

In response, Whitsett said, “I don’t have time for politics. That’s ridiculous, during a pandemic, that they think I have time for a screening. … I have people that need me.”

The embattled lawmaker said she still identifies as a Democrat and vowed to continue fighting for her community.

“I will continue to fight for the city of Detroit and the people in Detroit who need it the most, and that is the black community,” she said. “We’re the voiceless, and I don’t care who I got to go up against to do that.

Whitsett added: “I’m a Democrat, and I plan on continuing to be a Democrat, but they will change their ways. I have my First Amendment right, and no one will take that away from me.”

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Debra Heine is a reporter at American Greatness.
Photo “Jonathan Kinloch” by Jonathan Kinloch and “State Rep Karen Whitsett” is by Rep Karen Whitsett.











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3 Thoughts to “Detroit Democrat Jonathan Kinloch Pushing Censure of State Lawmaker Says Elected Dems ‘Do Not Belong to Themselves’”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    “At the end of the day, we have political systems,” said Kinloch. “We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason.”

    They sure do. That is why George Washington opposed them and warned against them in his farewell address.

    1. Ron Welch

      Right, Horatio, he called it “party spirit”. Ideally every elected government official should be an independent beholden only to their Constitutional oath and the People who elected them.

  2. Ron Welch

    The Democrat message now: We OWN you!
    “Sometimes party loyalty asks too much.” –John F. Kennedy
