Diane Black Joins Board of National Taxpayers Union


Diane Black has been selected to join the board of directors for the National Taxpayers Union, the organization announced in a press release.

Black is a former U.S. representative from Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District and a gubernatorial candidate in the 2018 Republican primary.

The organization said, “Black’s work for taxpayers in and out of Congress makes her a perfect fit for the organization, and we look forward to many more years of taxpayer advocacy.”

The former congresswoman is a multi-time winner of the NTU Taxpayers’ Friend Award.

Black said, “I’ve spent my career working to make the tax code fairer, flatter, and simpler for all Americans, and will be continuing that work by joining the board of the National Taxpayers Union. NTU has been a heavy-hitter on Capitol Hill for a long time, and their work advocating for a better tax system has a track record of proven results.”

Black served as chair of the House Budget Committee when both houses of Congress came through and delivered the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to President Donald Trump, who signed it into law, The Tennessee Star reported in December 2017. She then stepped down from leading the committee as she ramped up her gubernatorial campaign.

NTU cited Black’s work of serving on the conference committee to write the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which it said was the biggest reform to the tax code in over three decades by cutting rates and eliminating special-interest tax breaks.

NTU President Pete Sepp said, “Diane Black has worked tirelessly for taxpayers in Tennessee and around the country, and we’re truly honored to have her on the board of the National Taxpayers Union. During her service as a state lawmaker and later in Congress, she had a vital role in some of the greatest victories for taxpayers in recent memory. We look forward to benefiting from her expertise and leadership for many years to come.”

Prior to serving in Congress, Black worked as a registered nurse, small businesswoman, educator and member of the Tennessee legislature.

Black said, “I’m thrilled to be working with the nation’s oldest and most accomplished taxpayer organization, and look forward to working on behalf of taxpayers across the country,” Black said.

The union’s website says its mission is “to achieve favorable policy outcomes using the most effective pro-taxpayer team on Capitol Hill and in the states.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Background Photo “National Taxpayers Union” by National Taxpayers Union. 




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One Thought to “Diane Black Joins Board of National Taxpayers Union”

  1. CCW

    Diane is the greatest! I long for her to run for Senator of TN. She was a favorite of President Trump. She could have that seat just for her choosing. I realize TN Senator reputations have been soiled lately, but she could bring some real class back to the office.
