DNC Chair Tom Perez Complains That Voters Influenced by Church

by Peter Hasson


Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Tom Perez on Wednesday complained that voters are influenced by what they hear in church on Sundays.

Perez claimed that Republicans have an advantage because “people buy” what they hear at church.

“And we all have to make sure that we’re fluent in what’s happening across our ecosystem so we can come to each other’s defense because we need to build a bigger orchestra. They’ve had a big orchestra for some time and they’ve got the megaphones to amplify it, whether it’s Sinclair at the local level or Fox at the national level,” Perez said at an event for Demand Justice, a left-wing political group.

“I’ve learned this from the outreach we’ve done at the DNC. Why aren’t we penetrating, I ask? And I had someone in northwest Wisconsin tell me: ‘You know what? For most of the people I know, their principle sources of information are Fox News, the NRA newsletter and the pulpit on Sunday.’ And it should come as a surprise to no-one that our message doesn’t penetrate,” Perez continued.

“It should come as a surprise to no-one that that person has elevated the issue of courts to the top because that person on the pulpit is saying ‘ignore everything else that this person has done and is doing, we have to focus on one issue of Roe vs. Wade.’ And people buy it. Because that’s their only source,” Perez asserted.

A DNC spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson.
Photo “Tom Perez” by GOP War Room

















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3 Thoughts to “DNC Chair Tom Perez Complains That Voters Influenced by Church”

  1. Robert Baggett

    I know Christians that are Democrats. Perez is always wrong and just dumb

  2. Reasonable

    By that reasoning, we would have to deduce that Perez and his fellow democrats obviously are influenced by Satan.
