Donald Trump, 18 Others, Indicted in Georgia Election Probe

by Ben Whedon


A Georgia grand jury later Monday night approved 10 indictments in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ election probe, including former President Donald Trump and 18 others.

Among the others indicted were former Mike Pence chief of staff Marc Short, former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, and attorney Sidney Powell.

The indictments comes two and a half years after Willis started her investigation in former President Donald Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results in the Peach State. None of the targets of the indictments have been named as of press time.

After the announcement, the Trump campaign excoriated Willis for what they insisted was a “bogus indictment.”

“Fulton County, GA’s radical Democrat DA Fani Willis is a rabid partisan who is campaigning and fundraising on a platform of prosecuting President Trump through these bogus indictments,” the statement read. “Ripping a page from Crooked Joe Biden’s playbook, Willis has strategically stalled her investigation to try and maximally interfere with the 2024 presidential race and damage the dominant Trump campaign. All of these corrupt Democrat attempts will fail.”

“They could have brought this 2 1/2 years ago, yet they chose to do this for election interference reasons in the middle of President Trump’s successful campaign,” it continued. “He is not only leading all Republicans by a lot but he is leading against Biden in almost every poll. President Trump represents the greatest threat to these Democrats’ political futures (and the greatest hope for America).”

Barricades went up last week around the Fulton courthouse in preparation for the announcement. Willis, who is black, also told employees that she received racist threats over the matter, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

As recently as Monday, the district attorney’s office was still subpoenaing witnesses. Reporter George Chidi said in The Intercept that he received a subpoena Monday to testify for the second time before a Fulton County jury about what he saw during a December 2020 meeting of Georgia’s so-called “alternate” electors, at least 11 of whom are targets in the probe.

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Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on Twitter.
Photo “President Trump” by Gage Skidmore CC2.0.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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One Thought to “Donald Trump, 18 Others, Indicted in Georgia Election Probe”


    It’s Political Warfare to keep President Trump out of the 2024 Election. This is what happens in Third World Banana Republics. This is a huge Constitutional Crisis. We the American people who love our Country must stand behind Donald J Trump, whether you love him or not. This is no longer about personality. This is about Death of Liberty. We are a Republic, if we can hold on to it.
    What a waste of taxpayers resources in Atlanta.
    Three of four prosecutors are Black. Some might think it’s a Racist Conspiracy. Miss Fanni has a less than ethical career. She, like the others, are George Soros prosecuters. Everyone knows George Soros hates America. Are they trying to one up each other? None of the charges are legit.
    These evil people will throw our Constitution in the Trash for POWER.
