Dozens of Climate Change Agitators Arrested After Storming White House, Blocking Entrances

Sunrise Movement
by Debra Heine


Dozens of left-wing activists from a climate change political action group were arrested by Secret Service agents on Monday after they marched to the White House and blocked entrances as part of a #NoClimateNoDeal protest.  Agitators from the far-left, Soros-funded Sunrise Movement were reportedly demanding that Joe Biden stop negotiating with Republican politicians, meet with Sunrise executive director Varshini Prakash, and include a fully funded “Civilian Climate Corps” in the infrastructure bill.

At least some of the agitators were reportedly quickly released, after blocking the White House entrances.

Biden announced a $579 billion bipartisan compromise on the infrastructure bill last week, but likely killed the deal when he revealed that he was tying it to his wildly profligate $6 trillion budget proposal.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) backed Biden’s proposal in a statement last week. “It’s as I said. There won’t be an infrastructure bill unless we have a reconciliation bill, plain and simple. … There ain’t going to be an infrastructure bill unless we have the reconciliation bill passed by the United States Senate,” she said.

The Sunrise Movement leader demanded that “trillions of dollars in climate investments” be included in the bill. “If Biden and Democrats do not pass and sign trillions of dollars in climate investments including a massive Civilian Climate Corps through a Democratic reconciliation bill, progressives in Congress and in the streets will reject any bullshit deal that propels us into climate catastrophe,” Prakash said.

Hundreds of protesters, along with several Democrat politicians, reportedly blocked all ten entrances to the White House.

As Breitbart News reported, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) was among the Democrat lawmakers who joined activists outside of the White House, demanding the Biden administration “to go big and bold and visionary for our country and for our future and for our planet”:

Far-left Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.) also joined the law-breaking mob outside of the White House.

“What we are here to tell them is that you can’t break this promise to us anymore,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “They’re setting up a world that they won’t have to live in. Ok, that’s why this matters. That’s why we fight.”

“As a result of your hard work, we’ve got folks in the Senate, we’ve got folks in the House, not just me, not just like they like to say is a tiny group of the ‘Squad’ … we have a critical mass of people saying no climate, no deal,” she added.

“We have seen dangerous heat events obliterating the northwest in record numbers, and we see that it’s coming up again over the next few days in places where they don’t even have AC,” Rep. Bush said.

“People are suffering. People are dying because of our problem that society created. Society created the problem, and so society has to fix it,” she added.

The Sunrise Movement—which launched in 2017, as a 501(c)(4)—is largely funded by dark money, including a $250,000 donation from George Soros’ Democracy PAC in April of 2020.

Democracy PAC is a Super PAC started by and entirely funded by Democratic megadonor George Soros and Fund For Policy Reform, the latter being a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that falls under the Open Society umbrella, on which Soros and two of his sons have seats on the board.

The group describes itself as a grassroots organization “building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Sunrise Movement Protesters” by Sunrise Movement. 








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7 Thoughts to “Dozens of Climate Change Agitators Arrested After Storming White House, Blocking Entrances”

  1. Steve Allen

    It’s so laughable to see grown people falling for this lie. It just goes to show how gullible some people are. The useful idiots.

  2. Harry Titshaw

    Level of complete ignorance surrounding the “sky is falling” non issue of climate change is stupefying. Worse the complete subjugation of our government and thereby our people to fabricated hysteria is not comprehensible. Yes, the climate is changing. It has been since the beginning and will until the end. It is nothing short of the epitome of arrogance to think there is anything we as humans can do impact what will be. Ice Ages and Warming. Most of which occurred before mankind existed. Our job is to adapt. The 2 greatest factors to weather and thereby the accumulation of weather over time frames longer than humans live are the temperature of the sun and the total water content in the atmosphere. The entire concept of focusing on CO2 is lunatic. For as long as measurable CO2 has been in the .026 to .04 or so % of the atmosphere. These factors are not even evaluated in the so called science (not science) of computer modeling. Computer modeling only exists to put forth a predetermined desired conclusion with which to propagandize and terrify in order to allow the “masses” to be completely controlled by the “elites”. The goal is only power and money. The end is tyranny, whether Socialist, Communist or pure dictator (perhaps the UN?) is immaterial. Tyranny is tyranny and orders of magnitude will be die from want, starvation or outright murder when you disagree with the “State”.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Sounds like insurrection to me. Lock them up and throw away the key.

    1. Deborah Lawson

      They made a show of handcuffing them, but they were let go with NO CHARGES, unlike the patriots who walked into the White House at the direction of Capitol Police, who are still in solitary confinement in a Washington Prison.

  4. Kevin

    Why aren’t these Klimate Khange Kooks turning hand-held crank generators or holding solar cells to run their cell phones and megaphones?

    And why aren’t these snow flakes calling for Biden to sanction China for their continued, astronomical building of coal fired power plants?

    And why isn’t this gaggle being called an “insurrection”?

    When the three questions above are answered in the affirmative, maybe then I’ll believe that these people give a rat’s behind about anything but themselves. No, this is pure and simply part of the Left’s continued push to bring down America and free people all around the globe!

  5. LM

    They are idiot minions for Soros. Do they really think the elite left has any intention of living the “Green” life? They will fight the battle and then become subjects of the ruling class. The whole climate crisis is made up to take everything away from society so that a few can gain control. These clowns apparently have no idea – or maybe they don’t mind being made surfs to the left elite.

  6. John P Miller

    Liberals arresting liberals. You have to love it.
