Dr. Manny Sethi Resumes Role at Healthcare Non-Profit


Dr. Manny Sethi, after taking time off to focus on his campaign for U.S. Senate, will resume his role as president and CEO of Healthy Tennessee, the non-profit he started with his wife Maya.

The non-profit’s goal is to combat growing healthcare challenges facing Tennesseans across the state. To complete its goal, Healthy Tennessee offers free services to encourage preventative health measures. Since its founding, it has provided free health fairs, educational opportunities, and symposiums to thousands of Tennesseans in dozens of locations over the last decade

While campaigning to represent Tennessee in the Senate, Sethi’s wife took the reins of the non-profit and guided them throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. “What an incredible job Maya did for Healthy Tennessee during an unusual year as we all faced an epidemic never experienced in our lifetime. Her passion to help folks in need has driven her each day and helped make Tennessee a healthier state,” Sethi said in an emailed press release of his wife’s efforts.

Further, Sethi highlighted that the spread of COVID-19 demonstrated the need for Healthy Tennessee now more than ever.

He argued, “We’ve learned from this covid epidemic that risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure put folks at risk and we must all focus on the importance of living a healthier lifestyle.”

According to the nonprofit’s website, its goal is to make Tennessee the top-ranked state in the South for health.

Healthcare was a focal point in the orthopedic trauma surgeon’s campaign. He continuously argued that preventative health measures would improve the overall health throughout the country and help reduce the burden of rising healthcare costs on taxpayers. Further, he argued that the U.S. must stop relying on China to produce medicine and personal protection equipment (PPE).

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi. 







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2 Thoughts to “Dr. Manny Sethi Resumes Role at Healthcare Non-Profit”

  1. Nancy

    Dr Manny please primary RINO warmonger Marsha Blackburn! Blackburn is so connected to the DC swamp! She criticizes the people at the January 6 event but I never hear her call for hearings for the destruction and looting at federal court houses by BLM and Antifa! Marsha what have you done for the average Tennessean since you have been in Washington since 2003? You are a good reason for term limits!!

  2. Ron W

    “He continuously argued that preventative health measures would improve the overall health throughout the country and help reduce the burden of rising healthcare costs on taxpayers. “

    Wow! What a concept! Imagine that, a healthcare professional emphasizing enhancing our health and immunity. Thank you, Dr Manny Sethi for doing what NONE of the other “healthcare experts” did in their advisory positions on COVID which consisted of only masking, distancing and discriminatorily stifling our Liberty.
