‘Duck and Cover’ Bredesen Silent on Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen’s Praise for FBI’s Strzok and Insult to Wounded Veterans

Phil Bredesen

As the Tennessee Star reported, Tennessee Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) shocked many people yesterday with his “purple heart” comment regarding now infamous FBI Agent Peter Strzok.


But it should shock no one that Cohen is also a big supporter of Democrat Phil Bredesen.

Cohen has even run to the New York Times to support Bredesen, while taking a shot at Rep. Marsha Blackburn on Bredesen’s behalf.

Ms. Blackburn is sending a different message. “Real conservative leadership,” promises a palm card for her campaign. “No compromise, no apologies.”

Representative Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Memphis, questioned whether Tennessee voters would embrace a candidate in that mold over someone with a middle-of-the-road, business-friendly image.

“We’ve never had a politician on that level of anybody that’s been kind of mocked for their antediluvian ways,” he said.

A previous Tennessee Star item pointed out how “duck and cover” Bredesen earned that moniker from the Tennessee GOP. Now he seems to be at it, again, evidently having no problem with his Democrat colleague and supporter dishonoring veterans by praising a now beyond controversial FBI agent in such a reprehensible manner.

The Tennessee Republican Party is calling Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen to task for his lack of candor in dealing with President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Along with asking if Democrat Chuck Schumer’s “Tennessee recruit” Phil Bredesen will oppose President Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the way Schumer is, they’re also going after him for playing a game of duck and cover on the issue.

“Chuck Schumer recruiting Phil Bredesen to run for the Senate has, without a doubt, always been a part of his plan for a full frontal partisan attack against any nominee from President Trump. His ‘everything he’s got’ would 100% include Phil Bredesen if elected. While Phil Bredesen can pretend he would give serious consideration to any Supreme Court nominee from President Trump, you have ask, with Chuck Schumer and liberal Democratic PACs committing millions of dollars to the Senate race in Tennessee, would Phil Bredesen even have a choice?,” says their latest release.

In effect, they also accuse Bredesen of being dishonest with voters on the issue.

Instead of being honest with voters about President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Phil Bredesen is playing a game of political duck and cover claiming that he will wait until confirmation hearings conclude before announcing if he’d support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. It’s time Phil Bredesen put away his political weather vane and let voters know where he stands. Chuck Schumer did.


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4 Thoughts to “‘Duck and Cover’ Bredesen Silent on Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen’s Praise for FBI’s Strzok and Insult to Wounded Veterans”

  1. […] Cohen also seemingly lost his temper at a news conference in Memphis when Tennessee Watchdog asked former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius what she would say to people whose health insurance costs doubled or tripled due to Obamacare. He said Tennessee Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn should commit suicide. Cohen also told disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok that he deserves a Purple Heart. […]

  2. Brian McMurphy

    Strzok should just use the Steve Cohen defense and claim that he thought Lisa Page was his daughter. LOL.

    That would take a lot of gumption but gums are something she has a lot of.


  3. Megan Barry

    I think Agent Strzok should have gotten the Medal of Honor. He’s the epitome of a real Democrat. I don’t care if he was committing adultery on the taxpayer dime.

    1. John Bumpus

      I think that Agent Strzok should, and eventually will, get many years in Federal prison for his crimes of which there are several. And in the Federal criminal justice system, unlike the Tennessee criminal justice system, there is no parole–you just serve your sentence. All of it!
