Eighteen Attorneys General Call for Congressional Probe into China’s Efforts to Mislead the World About Coronavirus

by Andrew Kerr


Eighteen Republican attorneys general called for a congressional probe on Friday into China’s deliberate concealment of the severity of the coronavirus outbreak at its onset.

“Recent reports suggest that the communist Chinese government willfully and knowingly concealed information about the severity of the virus while simultaneously stockpiling personal protective equipment,” stated the letter from South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, which 17 other state attorneys general cosigned.

The letter was sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the leaders of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

The attorneys general detailed China’s apparent efforts to have “intentionally misled the world over the last 6 months” in the letter.

“These layers of deceit began last year with the censoring of Chinese health officials and the muzzling of Taiwanese complaints,” the attorneys general wrote. “The cover-up continued with the expulsion of media outlets and the proliferation of Chinese propaganda targeting the Western world.”

“Congressional hearings are critical to our Nation’s understanding of the origins of COVID-10 and the efforts to deceive the international community,” the letter stated.

The attorneys’ general call for a congressional probe into China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak came three weeks after Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a lawsuit against the Chinese government for damages caused by its efforts to deceive the global community about the dangers of the virus.

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in April his committee would conduct a wide-ranging probe into the coronavirus outbreak, including its origins in China and the World Health Organization’s response to the virus.

President Donald Trump said in late April that he’s seen evidence that strongly indicates that coronavirus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. His comments about the lab came one day after the Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed that it’s examining whether the virus accidentally leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Read the full letter:


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Andrew Kerr is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.












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One Thought to “Eighteen Attorneys General Call for Congressional Probe into China’s Efforts to Mislead the World About Coronavirus”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    Since CONgress spent taxpayer millions via NIH at the Wuhan Virus Institute, on coronavirus work, do you think the chances are they will find themselves responsible in any way? And just exactly what is the purpose of CONgress continuing to use our tax dollars to fund bioweapon development in China? Is it like the Iraqi oil fields that they sent our people to die to overtake, just so they could be leased to China? Or is it like the taxpayer billions given to the big three automakers in the Obamadepression so they could close US plants and open them in China?
    If the Chi-coms are our mortal enemies trying to kill us with the Wuflu, why didn’t we get serious about the CDC fear-p0rn viruses living on surfaces and just burn all of Amazon and Walmart Chinese imports in inventory? Aren’t they “spreading the virus”? How is the meat contaminated (so close down the plant) which you would cook, but the Chinese imports are just fine? They are right there on the next aisle…
