Equity Consultant ‘Evil Salesman’ Explains Plan to Upend Georgia Law Banning Indoctrination with Critical Race Theory

A Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) consultant explained to an undercover Project Veritas journalist he is an “evil salesman” who plans to undermine a Georgia law banning the teaching of the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

“If you don’t say the words ‘Critical Race Theory,’ you can technically teach it,” Dr. Quintin Bostic, content manager at The Teaching Lab, is heard telling the Project Veritas (PV) journalist in the video.

“And it’s amazing how you’ve gotten the schools to purchase the curriculum,” the PV journalist commented.

“And they don’t even know what’s going on,” Bostic boasted, adding, “I would say I’m a good salesman, but I’m also an evil salesman. Like, so bad.”

Bostic, who, according to PV founder James O’Keefe, had his teaching license revoked around 2017,  touted his ability to secretly sneak CRT ideology into even the classrooms of kindergarteners, yet avoid being caught in violation of Georgia state law.

The PV undercover investigator and Bostic are heard having the following exchange about the state of Georgia in the video:

PV: The public schools have the state funding, right?

QB: They do.

PV: So, the state is basically paying for your curriculum without knowing what’s in it.

QB nods in agreement.

PV: So, does your curriculum have Critical Race Theory in it?

QB (continuing to nod in agreement): Yep.

PV: And the government doesn’t know?

QB: They have no clue, and I’m like “this is great – this is good!”

Bostic told the PV journalist part of his job is to sell curriculum to school districts and that both Cobb and Fulton counties already have his program.

The salesman is heard saying in the video that framing the curriculum as DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion], it “is more accepted than, like, anti-racist education or Critical Race Theory.”

Referring to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R), Bostic said, “He is, like, such an idiot.”

“Like, his wife does a lot of stuff on education here [in Georgia] … I would get nailed,” he said, referring to the possibility of Kemp’s wife discovering what he was doing.

“If they come and take my business license…I can keep consulting,” Bostic is heard saying.

“The goal,” he said, is “to get the kids to influence their parents to make the [ideological] shift too.”

When the PV journalist asked Bostic, “What about these parents who might push back after hearing” what he is teaching, the “evil salesman” replied, “Who cares? I’m not part of the system. I can’t – I’m not gonna lose my job over it.”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Quintin Bostic” by Project Veritas. 




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