Ethics Complaint Filed Against Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy After He Allegedly Elbowed Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett in the Back

Florida U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) filed a formal ethics complaint against former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-20) on Tuesday after the California congressman allegedly elbowed Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) in the back while passing him in a hallway.

While being interviewed by NPR reporter Claudia Grisales, Burchett alleged McCarthy elbowed him in the back, saying it caught him “off guard” as the hit was a “clean shot to the kidneys.”

Burchett said he “chased after” McCarthy after getting “sucker punched,” however, was blocked by the former speaker’s security detail.

“He’s a bully with $17 million in a security detail,” Burchett told CNN’s Manu Raju. “He’s the type of guy when you’re a kid would throw a rock over the fence and would run home and hide behind his mama’s skirt.”

“That’s not the way we handle things in East Tennessee. If we have a problem with somebody, I’m going to look them in the eye and talk to them,” Burchett added.

While Burchett said the incident was “over with” and dismissed interest in filing an ethics complaint against McCarthy, the Tennessee congressman’s colleague from Florida, Matt Gaetz, took matters into his own hands.

In his formal ethics complaint against McCarthy, Gaetz wrote, “This Congress has seen a substantial increase in breaches of decorum unlike anything we have seen since the pre-Civil War era.”

“I myself have been a victim of outrageous conduct on the House floor as well, but nothing like an open and public assault on a Member, committed by another Member. The rot starts at the top,” Gaetz added.

Gaetz and Burchett were two of eight Republican congressmen who voted to oust McCarthy as Speaker of the House last month.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Kevin McCarthy” by Kevin McCarthy. 




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2 Thoughts to “Ethics Complaint Filed Against Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy After He Allegedly Elbowed Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett in the Back”

  1. Dr Ken

    Why is McCarthy or any representative afforded a security detail in the halls of congress? That benefit needs to stop immediately! Regarding McCarthy, as a former California resident my opinion of him has never been very good, He accomplished nothing and was very ineffective as Speaker of the House. Building of a coalition was something he could not do and, consequently, the Republican majority has not been as effective as it could/should be. Elbowing party members in the back, while they are being interviewed by a reporter evinces McCarthy’s character. After first fighting being the first Speaker removed, he tried next getting chosen again, then moved on to stating he was going to seek re-election. The latest, he is not going to run in 2024. I believe the House will be better off without him.

  2. Randy

    This says everything you need to know about Kevin McCarthy and the majority of people serving in the US Congress.
