Exclusive: Inside Source Details Extreme Messaging from Far-Left Planning Session

An inside source Friday provided The Tennessee Star with more details from a June 28 meeting hosted by radical members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in Nashville.

Earlier this week, The Star reported on the event, where an inside source provided secretly obtained audio recordings from a portion of the meeting. But what was not caught on audio, the source explained, was far more radical than what was caught on audio.

The source described a meeting held by several extremely paranoid leaders, who forced attendees to wear masks – not to protect themselves from COVID-19 – but to conceal their own identities.

According to the source, there were seven armed guards at the event, members of the Socialist Rifle Association, adorned with red berets strikingly similar to the hat worn by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, the Covenant School mass shooter.

Those security guards, described as young men, wore body cams. Those body cams, though, were not standard run-of-the-mill models but were described as police-grade in quality.

The source described the guards, and the general atmosphere of the meeting, as “suspicious” and “paranoid.”

In the crowd of about 25 to 30 were two children, ages five and seven, whose mom was a group member. The group spoke openly about children transitioning, and members even wore shirts that said “protect trans kids” with a knife printed below the lettering.

The main leaders of the event were a person who goes by screwballdetector on Instagram, and another who goes by dialectic_chef.

Neither The Star nor the source has yet been able to identify them.

The latter, who describes himself as a “radical, black, trans, organizer] in his Instagram biography, was by far the most radical of the agitators at the meeting.

He was particularly focused on transgender rights and made comments noting that if anyone in the group was not 100 percent on board with the transgender agenda – even LGBT allies – that they should leave.

“Everything they were saying was like, ‘if you’re not trans, die.’ We don’t want allies here. We want people that will do fucking anything for the cause,” the source told The Star.

He was even resentful over the recent sentencing of Anderson Lee Aldridge, convicted of killing five people in a hate crime at a gay club in Colorado. Aldridge was sentenced to more than 2,000 years in jail.

Despite the sentence, dialectic_chef said the group cannot rely on traditional methods of protection, like the legal system to protect them. He said they still needed to dismantle the system because it doesn’t work for them, and that the LGBT community has suffered due to this broken system.

“Now it’s time for them to f****** suffer like we did,” he said.

Often, he went on rants that had to be curtailed by fellow meeting attendees for fear of outrightly endorsing terrorism, according to the source.

He even claimed to want to separate from the DSA, which he views as not being extreme enough, and wanted to disassociate with the gay community over what appeared to be a mistake in planning at the Nashville pride parade in late June. The pride parade organizers were meant to reserve parking spaces for disabled people, but apparently forgot to fill out the paperwork with the city, enraging dialectic_chef.

During the meeting, the group did not say whether it had specific plans to riot or protest during the upcoming General Assembly special session like other radical left-wing groups.

Rather, the group said it was in an “intel collection phase.”

“In my line of work, I’ve dealt with a lot of groups that are a threat, and that people should take seriously,” the source said. “They’re not progressively getting more extreme. They’re already there. The fact that this group is not being watched is worrying.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.




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4 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Inside Source Details Extreme Messaging from Far-Left Planning Session”


    The only thing these people “suffered from” is their own deep seeded mental illness and self hatred. There was a time in our country when groups like this were arrested and put in jail. They are domestic terrorists. But our spineless leaders will do nothing for fear they might get called a name or yelled at. I don’t see heterosexuals shooting up trans people but we are sure seeing a lot of the opposite taking place. WAKE UP CALL: the world doesn’t revolved around your insanity and it never will.

  2. Randall Davidson

    Sounds like Audrey Hale would have fit right in. Release the manifesto. Put these idiots in jail and keep them there.

  3. Steve Allen

    Bring it on! In my part of Tennessee these a$$ holes wouldn’t stand a chance trying the disrupt our community. My guess is this kind of behavior is just what that transgendered murderer supported and obviously took part in. These people are sick, and it’s so unbelievable that this is where our country is at this point. It just goes to show how many stupid, brainwashed sheeple there are now in Tennessee.

  4. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    From my reading this whole LGTB thing is a UN Depopulation Program. And I have always said that ‘stupid people should not bread.’ So maybe I am good with it? I am not to keen on them recruiting kids, but if you are such a weak parent, well, then maybe you deserve it? What is that old saying if you don’t stand for something, you will fall, for anything? At least the Mexicans that will replace them are mostly Catholic and have lots of babies and traditional families.
