Exclusive: Left-Wing Agitators Say Ending Police Would Make Communities Safer

Police Officer

In secretly obtained recordings of a training session for far-left activists held Saturday in Nashville, participants said communities would be safer without any police at all.

During a part of the training hosted by Katia Carillo, who runs a small upstart community group called Conmigo, Carillo asked the trainees what their perfect utopian communities would look like.

“To start off, and so that we can kind of get to know each other a little bit more, I put this question up here,” said Carillo. “‘What does safety mean to you?'” Because safety can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. So I want you to just close your eyes for a second and think about the present world. Zoom in a little closer and think about the perfect state. Zoom in even a little bit closer and think about the perfect community. And what does that safe, beautiful, marvelous community look like? What’s around you, who are the people, what are the resources that you have? And I want us to come back to this question. Now you can open your eyes. What does safety mean to you?”

Almost immediately, a member of the audience replied, “no cops.”

Other “safety” measures listed by the members of the group included a far-left litany of wish list items, including:

  • Everyone has housing
  • No violence
  • Friendship
  • Comfort
  • Accessibility
  • More art
  • Rest
  • Fun sex
  • Trust
  • Financial security
  • Common land
  • Healthcare for everybody
  • No guns

The far-left activists are planning to disrupt August’s special session of the legislature, called by Gov. Bill Lee (R) to address gun control.

As reported by The Tennessee Star, the training was hosted by Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood, the far-left activist arm of the pro-abortion non-profit Planned Parenthood.

The agitators have said that they plan to be arrested, and are plotting to disable U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) vehicles at a protest outside of ICE’s Nashville office.

They also plan to have armed “security,” and to harass Republican lawmakers.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Police” by Fred Moon.




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6 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Left-Wing Agitators Say Ending Police Would Make Communities Safer”

  1. LM

    1. Most certainly, people who seek to go armed with the intent to disable law enforcement vehicles would feel safer without police around. and
    2. A majority of their utopian desires will never exist long – term in a society without Christ at the center. This is apparently a fact that is rejected by most of these people.

  2. JRin

    Police ending left-wing agitators would make communities safer

  3. Nashville Deplorable

    Sure. I guess they have never had to deal with drug cartels, rapists, murderers, and other assorted psychopaths.

  4. Charlie Pride

    When we have fruitcakes like this with their delusional utopian wish lists, it’s scary that some people take them seriously. Our country is in the mess it is in right now because people just like this are running some major cities. And of course the biggest dopes of them all are in the WH.

  5. Steve Allen

    To show the glaring stupidity of these leftists, look at the socioeconomic situation in the cities that have severely reduced their law enforcement. It’s working our very well isn’t it.

  6. Tim Price

    What a bunch of total clowns idiots!

    See Nashville, the is what your liberal policies get you!
