Exclusive: Maskless Climate Envoy Kerry Endangers Passengers on Boston to DC Flight


John Forbes Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, while sitting in first-class, took off his mask today as he settled into his book moments before his American Airlines flight from Boston to Washington took off.

The so-called Climate Envoy was not eating, nor drinking, even though first-class passengers are often served before take-off.

In its Feb. 1 press release, “American Airlines Aligns Existing Mask Requirements with US Government Mandate,” the airline’s Chief Operating Officer David Seymour said American would fully comply with President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s mask regulations.

“Our mask requirement has been and will continue to be a critical component of our comprehensive effort to protect the health and well-being of our customers and team members during the pandemic,” said Seymour. “This federal mandate will provide additional support to our crew members who are working diligently to enforce our policy and further reinforce the safety of air travel during COVID-19.”

“As before, customers are required to wear masks for the duration of their journey, including at the airport and on board the aircraft. Children under the age of two will continue to be exempt from the mask requirement,” the release said. “Consistent with U.S. government directives, individuals who refuse to wear a mask may be denied boarding, removed from the aircraft or subject to penalties under federal law, in addition to being barred from future travel with American.”

In his March 11 address to the Nation, Biden said: “We need everyone to get vaccinated. We need everyone to keep washing their hands, stay socially distanced, and keep wearing the masks as recommended by the CDC.”

The Center for Disease Control issued a Jan. 29 order, under its authority from the Public Health Act, that became effective Feb. 2, which reads in part: “People must wear masks that cover both the mouth and nose when awaiting, boarding, traveling on, or disembarking public conveyances. People must also wear masks when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub in the United States.”

The order specifically rules out scarves, ski masks, balaclavas, or bandannas or even shirt or sweater collars, such as turtleneck collars pulled up over the mouth and nose.

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Neil W. McCabe is a Washington-based national political reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. In addition to the Star Newspaper, he has covered the White House, Capitol Hill and national politics for One America News, Breitbart, Human Events and Townhall. Before coming to Washington, he was a staff reporter for Boston’s Catholic paper, The Pilot, and the editor of two Boston-area community papers, The Somerville News and The Alewife. McCabe is a public affairs NCO in the Army Reserve and he deployed for 15 months to Iraq as a combat historian.  





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119 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Maskless Climate Envoy Kerry Endangers Passengers on Boston to DC Flight”

  1. Ya

    Ya ok…no one sees the mask hanging from his left ear? More like nj ice opportunity shot…just waiting to take it off to snap the pic. Look at all of you guys salivating like jackals. Enjoy the red meat!

  2. Ronald Smith

    I would assume the other elites and privileged who fly first class don’t really give a shit about masks. What do they know that we don’t know?? He could care less about being seen without a mask or photographed.

    1. Happy Tew Bee Hear

      the phrase is ‘couldn’t care less.’ as ‘could care less’ means that he in fact could indeed really care less than he already does care.

  3. Johnny Kay

    Politicians, high-level government employees, and “celebrities” do not follow the pandemic rules they create for the rest of us because they know there is no real danger, that the coronavirus “pandemic” is a fraud — an invisible, all-purpose enemy to which the government can attribute any dangers it wants to frighten and control us.

    If hospital waiting rooms and hallways were filled with sick COVID-19 patients; ICUs were filled with dying COVID-19 patients; hospitals had so many dead COVID-19 patients that they needed to rent refrigerated trucks to use as temporary morgues (they’re playing that again in El Paso, New York, and Los Angeles); hospitals had so many COVID-19 patients that they needed to put them in parking garages (now playing in Reno, Nevada); hospitals had so many COVID-19 patients that they were putting them in conference rooms, gift shops, and tents, and turning away ambulances (now playing in California); and there were so many dead COVID-19 patients that coffin-makers were running out of pine (!) to make coffins (also now playing in California) — wouldn’t we all know personally at least a few people who had died or had become severely ill from COVID-19?

    OK — do you?

    And isn’t it just amazing that, in countries claiming high rates of COVID-19, cases of flu are down 90-95%? It should be obvious to all but the most stubbornly obtuse that flu cases and flu fatalities are being counted as COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 fatalities to inflate the numbers.

    The international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes and controls our politicians has taken an illness no more dangerous than the common flu (and probably far less so) and turned it into an excuse for an enormous expansion of government power and an enormous redistribution of resources — literally, trillions of dollars — from the citizens to the corporate elite.

    There is no legitimacy to any of it — none of it is real. The masks, the “social distancing”, the “social bubbles”, the “self-isolation”, the “self-quarantining”, the “contact tracing”, the “flattening the curve”, the “alone together”, the shutdowns, the lockdowns, the pointless testing, the staged frenzy to “develop” a vaccine, the bans on assemblies and large groups, the restrictions on churches and prayer groups — none of that is to keep us safe, but all of it is to condition us to accept more government control, more arbitrary regimentation, more transfers of taxpayer money to the corporate elite, the destruction of small businesses and the independent businessmen who own them, and mandatory vaccination.

    If there had never been a declared “pandemic”, never any mention of COVID-19, never any lockdowns, shutdowns, social distancing, etc., the 2020 flu season would have passed by uneventfully — and not even been noted as a particularly bad one at that.

    We have been lied to from the beginning.

    The government and the corporate media can invent any number of deaths that they want and any number of “cases” that they want; create whatever number of ever-more-deadly “new strains” of COVID-19 they want; and continue with the ever-more-absurd stories of hospitals so overcrowded with COVID-19 patients that they must put them in parking garages, conference rooms, tents, and gift shops, and morgues so full of dead COVID-19 patients that they must store them in refrigerated trucks — and most people will still buy it.

    The majority just cannot accept that politicians, government employees, and the corporate media lie about everything — not just about little things, but everything.

    The starting point for knowing the truth is to believe the opposite of what the government and the corporate media tell us.

    1. ginandtonic

      Do you know who he IS?

    2. Ben

      So your logic is because you’ve never personally seen anyone died or ill by covid-19, it’s all a hoax?
      Have you ever met an Arab terrorist? Have you?
      Have you ever met an illegal alien? Have you?
      And on a more positive note:
      Have you ever met Jesus Christ? Have you?
      So then, these are all a hoax???

    3. Sniffle cough

      You are truly a remarkable person. In fact equally inventive with your theory.

      1. Icky Poo

        You have to admit that this fine gentleman made his money the old fashioned way.

        Marrying rich old widows.

    4. Lamont Cranston

      “The international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes and controls our politicians…”

      Tinfoil’s on sale at WalMart.

      1. Horatio Bunce

        Then just keep wearing your face diaper (or an old scarf as recommended by the US Surgeon General) to protect you from virus particles they cannot possibly filter, LOL. And then remind yourself that the elite he referenced don’t seem to need to do that – even in viral “hot spots”… especially when off camera.

    5. Jim

      I could not have said this better myself.

    6. Derek d Young

      Here here. and johns hopkins released a report about the overall death toll in US is the same as last year, BUT, theyve seen less cardiac deaths , less flu deaths and mortality rate in general is down by how much…….almost exactly the amount that has been attributed to covid. now that being said my oldest brother is ib the hospital from a covid infection and hes in bad shape. he has diabetes and now hes on dialisis as well. my daughter and her husband both got it and they were over it in less than a week , she was pregnant at the time and he has a heart condition, just fyi. I like your comments though.

  4. Ketchup Lurch

    Rules and laws are only for the peasants, not his lordship John Ketchup Kerry

    1. Lilly

      Rules for thee, and not for me.

  5. yarply

    he knows there is no pandemic.

  6. Jim

    It’s an outrage when Rand Paul does it, too, everyday.

    If only Jet Li lived next door to Rand Paul!

    1. Just sayin’

      Rand Paul knows the truth about the virus. That’s why. It’s not because he’s a hypocrite like Kerry. Sen. Paul has been very vocal about his disbeliefs about masks.

  7. Nick Cignetti

    One word says it all USELESS.

  8. bob

    Cut the guy some slack. The last time he flew commercial Pan Am was flying the China Clipper.

    1. ODAY


  9. MAR

    Rules are for the, “Little People”, DC swamp in full bloom! Wonder how a high fine will be on the airline and Kerry from the feds? Wouldn’t hold my breath waiting!

  10. Ron Welch

    Well, according to “the science”, of the climate change agenda, CO2 is a pollutant and wearing a mask would force John Kerry to inhale his own CO2.

    But CO2 is a natural component of our atmosphere and an essential of the lifecycle. But breathing it in concentrations that are too high under a mask is bad for us. So we should all have the same right and privilege as our government EMPLOYEE, John Kerry, even though he is on a doe Islam mission to save us all–from climate change.

  11. Ulfberht

    Mr Heinz is a leftist POS.

  12. Sifter

    Mask, what mask? Democrats don’t need no stinkin’ masks…../s

  13. Circus Maximus

    John Kerry aka – LURCH.

  14. Circus Maximus

    Duct tape is a more appropriate mask for politicians to be wearing as most of what they utter is more dangerous than the virus.

  15. Erik Szpyra

    What a fool, he flies around the world to tell us not to fly around the world, his own party demands us to wear masks and be careful, and he ignores that as well. This is a A-class #1 buffoon.
