Exclusive: Maskless Climate Envoy Kerry Endangers Passengers on Boston to DC Flight


John Forbes Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, while sitting in first-class, took off his mask today as he settled into his book moments before his American Airlines flight from Boston to Washington took off.

The so-called Climate Envoy was not eating, nor drinking, even though first-class passengers are often served before take-off.

In its Feb. 1 press release, “American Airlines Aligns Existing Mask Requirements with US Government Mandate,” the airline’s Chief Operating Officer David Seymour said American would fully comply with President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s mask regulations.

“Our mask requirement has been and will continue to be a critical component of our comprehensive effort to protect the health and well-being of our customers and team members during the pandemic,” said Seymour. “This federal mandate will provide additional support to our crew members who are working diligently to enforce our policy and further reinforce the safety of air travel during COVID-19.”

“As before, customers are required to wear masks for the duration of their journey, including at the airport and on board the aircraft. Children under the age of two will continue to be exempt from the mask requirement,” the release said. “Consistent with U.S. government directives, individuals who refuse to wear a mask may be denied boarding, removed from the aircraft or subject to penalties under federal law, in addition to being barred from future travel with American.”

In his March 11 address to the Nation, Biden said: “We need everyone to get vaccinated. We need everyone to keep washing their hands, stay socially distanced, and keep wearing the masks as recommended by the CDC.”

The Center for Disease Control issued a Jan. 29 order, under its authority from the Public Health Act, that became effective Feb. 2, which reads in part: “People must wear masks that cover both the mouth and nose when awaiting, boarding, traveling on, or disembarking public conveyances. People must also wear masks when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub in the United States.”

The order specifically rules out scarves, ski masks, balaclavas, or bandannas or even shirt or sweater collars, such as turtleneck collars pulled up over the mouth and nose.

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Neil W. McCabe is a Washington-based national political reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. In addition to the Star Newspaper, he has covered the White House, Capitol Hill and national politics for One America News, Breitbart, Human Events and Townhall. Before coming to Washington, he was a staff reporter for Boston’s Catholic paper, The Pilot, and the editor of two Boston-area community papers, The Somerville News and The Alewife. McCabe is a public affairs NCO in the Army Reserve and he deployed for 15 months to Iraq as a combat historian.  





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119 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Maskless Climate Envoy Kerry Endangers Passengers on Boston to DC Flight”

  1. sgt buk

    He is Washington Royalty rules for thee but not for me. He is a stuffed suit Politician with no Honor or Integrity, he even registered his boat in another state to not pay taxes.

  2. BenR

    When is Biden going to show his outrage and fire Kerry for not following the mask protocol?

    1. ChuckM

      Biden might take him out back and beat him up

      1. John Adams

        Two thumbs up!

  3. Ed Harley

    Ahhh democrats, the party of “Do what we tell you! Because we will never do it ourselves since we are so far above you, peasant!” . Still not sure how they keep getting votes, there really must be a LOT of stupid out there.

    1. AZfederalist

      That’s why mail-in voting was set up.

  4. John Adams

    Kerry just showing what he thinks about the rest of us riff-raff. He is an elitist.

  5. Helen Lovejoy

    Oh Dear Lord! Won’t someone PLEASE think of the Children!!

  6. John W Cook

    Whether cutting in line at a Martha’s Vineyard coffee shop. Or not wearing a mask on a plane. Rules don’t apply to the haughty John Kerry.

  7. R Buckley

    Typical snowflakes. One minute you’re fighting against the mask mandate, claiming it’s your right not to be “suffocated”, all while cheering a madman for the last 4 years whose ignorance caused good men like Herman Cain to die, but then y’all go nuts when a successful politician (most likely fully vaccinated, mind you) sits quietly on a plane without a mask on. Pick your battle, please and don’t even try to use a scientific basis for your argument, you abandoned that a long time ago. SHEEP.

    1. Lit’L Domo

      My wife is fully vaccinated and she still has to wear her mask on the airplanes. So how is it different for this POS!
      The law is the law of the United States, all must apply!!! No science to it at all, just simple common sense.

      1. Joe smith

        The dems are communists and Nazis and stand for US last not first. They rather see our country go to shit and be destroyed because they only care for themselves and not for the people of this great country. They are all POS. Of individuals. F them alll.

    2. Horatio Bunce

      Typical goalpost-moving sheep. People ARE still fighting the do-nothing mask mandate. The maskholes just won’t believe not wearing masks are “killing grandma” when it is their champions of hypocrisy who are doing the killing. Not interested in your strawman about Trump (stop moving the goalpost again). How many “good men” did Kerry kill by not wearing his mask on the plane? Doesn’t matter if he’s vaccinated with Gates/Fauci’s gene therapy shot(s). Their junk science says their mRNA gene therapy won’t prevent infection or spread of Coronahoax, must wear masks (not sure how many) forever anyway, so Kerry is still “killing grandma” without his mask.

    3. Juancarlos

      “Most likely full vaccinnated”

      Interesting for you to make that assumption. Vaccination status doesn’t negate mask mandates. I know as I am a diamond medallion who is vaccinated and has complained several times about it. But please keep defending this man with your baseless assumptions because his views align with your political opinions!

    4. AZfederalist

      You don’t understand calling out hypocrisy, do you?

      /Of course not, you are a leftist

  8. Spinay

    “Do as I say, not as I do” Elites’ Kerry. John, I’m going to fly around the world on jets, stay in fancy hotels, eat fine food, and collect a nice speaking fee so I can preach to you about climate change, Kerry. He is either the spokes person for the biggest con in the world, or the leader of the biggest bunch of gullible morons.

  9. John Hodorowski

    One airlines declared an emergency and landed because a 4 yr old refused to wear a mask. Why not cancel the flight for this Bozo. Second did he pay for the seat or was it the taxpayers dollar ? He should be in Coach to show he is one of the people not an elitist. Hypocrisy in Government every where you look.

    1. Christine

      You don’t understand. We are not the same as him. he is a god!

  10. JV JJ

    When Kerry (“Mr. Oratory”) speaks, he generates so much hot air, that he probably feels that he doesn’t need a mask. His long, boring overdone speeches would indicate that any mask he wears should be made of adhesive tape.

    1. ChuckM

      Industrial strength duct tape.

  11. Daniel Silvan

    Oh My God! He is just wearing ONE mask? And where is the flight attendant enforcer to berate him to tears for momentarily removing his mask, like happened recently to an elderly woman who momentarily removed her mask so she could have a drink of water?

  12. Alessandro Neckels

    Why are people so eager to aggravate other people’s lives? He is not wearing his mask, maybe just for a couple of minutes. Sooooo what? Give me a break. Get a life. And don’t complain if someone one day will do the same to you or worse.

    1. Lachlan McLaghlan

      Do you feel he should be under pressure to lead by example? He certainly does not mind telling you and me what to do.

      This morning the “party line” from Kerry was that he had momentarily dropped his mask while adjusting it. It certainly appears that he is flying his mask at half staff from his left ear.

    2. Gamera

      In general you are 100 percent correct, the problem however is that the ‘little people’ have to live by the rules these liberals always set for everyone else. I wonder if Kerry had lunch with Newsom at French Laundry that day? That’s the problem, ‘do as I say, not as I do.’

    3. ktalken

      I have a life and this makes me pretty mad. Obviously you don’t care that it’s OK for the elite to do what they want, but us sheep need to follow their orders. Recently a plane turned around because a passenger wouldn’t wear their mask. It’s too bad you are so blinded by the left.

    4. joe blow

      youre part of the problem. ok for you abd your homie here but not anyone else. you probably think my response is racist

    5. Miz Bettye

      Probably because, in this case, John Kerry is an insufferable elitist hypocrite. He deserves any shade thrown at him.

    6. Roberto

      Exellent comment!

  13. John

    The absolutely clear scientific validity of the guidance is not impacted on any way by hypocrisy real or not..

    The virus is real, 530,000 Americans are really dead from it, it’s really a global pandemic, masks really do reduce spread and you should absolutely get the vaccine when you’re eligible to do so.

    1. MM

      All animals are equal…

    2. Victor Mature

      Thanks Mom.

    3. Mikel Alatza

      I thought Herman Munster was dead?

  14. Lachlan McLaghlan

    Why the long face, Mr. Secretary?
    Lurch actually looks better with a mask

  15. Captain Obvious

    This a$$hole thinks the rules don’t apply to him! Someone on that plane should have walked over to him and physically snapped a mask on his ugly mug! We have 4 more years of this piece of crap!
