Exclusive: Radical Leftists Will Have Armed Security for August Special Session ‘Protests’

In secret audio obtained by The Tennessee Star, radical leftists who plan to “protest” the upcoming August special session of the General Assembly say they have armed security at the ready.

“Also, like there are groups in Nashville who do this – keep in mind – who like, if at any point you need armed security at a protest, there are people who we trust as a community to show up and do that,” said an organizer of the Saturday meeting.

The Star obtained the audio from an inside source who attended the meeting, and will be releasing it in bits in the days to come.

The Saturday session was run by Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood and two of its key members, Julie Edwards, who is the advocacy & organizing manager, and Francie Hunt, the group’s executive director.

Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood is the 501(c)(4) offshoot of Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and is allowed to engage in political activity.

“So this is like very much an intro into protest safety and what to do – how to come up with a plan if you are gonna plan an action,” the organizer said. “But a big part of doing protest safety is knowing where you are best suited for. If you are best suited for logistics, you’re not best suited to be a safety captain that day. If you are somebody who shows up armed and you have that training, you are best suited to be off the safety roster that day. You are to be on the periphery of the action, not to be like, you know, doing crowd safety or crowd marshaling that day. You are there because you literally cannot be involved in the action. You are only on the periphery.”

The organizer does explain why the group may need armed security for its “protests.”

As reported by The Star, Planned Parenthood’s training is specifically geared towards the August special session, which Gov. Bill Lee (R) has scheduled to implement new gun control measures.

Based on the recordings, the radical left appears ready to apply heavy pressure on the legislature during the special session.

“Keep in mind, the special session is August 21st, so everything we learn here today is to be applied towards the special session,” Edwards said at the beginning of the Saturday event. “So, we are investing in y’all as activists, with the promise that y’all will show up when we need you to show up. Including August, but also I know some of y’all aren’t from Nashville so we’re trusting y’all to go back in your communities, share this information and f**k it up when it needs to happen.” (Emphasis added.)

The Star reached out to Hunt for comment Tuesday morning but did not hear back.

Listen to the audio here:

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Background Photo “Tennessee State Capitol” by FaceMePLS. CC BY 2.0.




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5 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Radical Leftists Will Have Armed Security for August Special Session ‘Protests’”

  1. Rocky

    These are not activists nor protestors nor radicals.
    They are armed Domestic Terrorists and insurrectionists that arm themselves with those evil assault weapons.
    Very good chance that criminal insurrectionist Al ‘TAWANA’ Sharpton is involved with this mess.
    If Lee has a real backbone, he will nip this Commie/Fascist BS in the Butt before it turns into a Statewide Riot and armed insurrection.
    Screw AG Garland who backs these Communists and Fascists. These are the same tactics used by Democratic Socialist like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Fidel, Che and many others. Along with Mao, some of the preceding adorned the campaign walls of Obama.
    Time will tell which side of the fence Bill Lee sits on?

  2. Debra J. Darby

    Pray in the full armor of God that this never materializes!

  3. Steve Allen

    We are (hopefully) fast approaching the day of reckoning for the leftist criminals. Our legislators (the governor is a lost cause) better have the stones to push back on these threats. I would suggest that law enforcement check the ID and run a background check on all the pajama boys and girls who show up armed, to confirm they can legally be in possession of firearms. You can bet that they will have traveled to Tennessee from other states. The Tennessee State Police, SWAT teams, and Nashville PD better be out in force and not hesitate for one second to enforce the law. Due to the freedoms we are blessed with here in Tennessee, we now have a bullseye on our backs as the leftist/democrat/socialists are now focused on disrupting our way of life. It’s high time we start pushing back forcefully.

  4. Nameless Hunter

    What they are discussing is armed insurrection, and it needs to be dealt with as such. I would not recommend them going into some parts of TN to try to “F*** it up” – there are people who will sit in a tree all day just to shoot at something.

  5. Ron W

    That fits the leftist radicals very well. Like their leftist authoritarian ruling class, they want to TAKE FROM US WHAT THEY HAVE AND KEEP FOR THEMSELVES! It’s extreme evil!

    “Tyranny may be defined as that such is legal for the government, but illegal to the citizenry.” —Thomas Jefferson
