Exclusive: TN-5 Candidate Beth Harwell Endorses U.S. Term Limits Amendment, Pledges to Serve Maximum of Three Terms

Former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell, a candidate for the TN-5 GOP nomination, announced on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy that if elected, she will limit herself to three terms of service totaling six years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Harwell has additionally signed the U.S. Term Limits’ pledge which states “that as a member of Congress I will co-sponsor and vote for the U.S. Term Limits Amendment of three (3) House terms and two (2) Senate terms and no longer limit.”

“In Tennessee, we’re a citizen legislature – it’s a part-time job.” Harwell said. “What’s happened in Washington is some of these folks stay in Congress for far too long without having to face their constituents, and term limits would fix that. That’s why I also signed the U.S. Term Limit pledge.”

Harwell was the first female to serve as the Speaker of the House in the Tennessee General Assembly. Additionally, she served as chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. During her tenure at the state party, Republicans captured a majority in the state senate for the first time in nearly 150 years. Harwell also served as Tennessee House Republican Caucus Whip and Campaign Committee Chair. During her time in those positions, Republicans won and held the majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives.

After leaving state office, Harwell was appointed by President Trump to serve on the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors, a position she still holds.

The Tennessee Star previously reported that she has raised nearly $350,000 in the five weeks since entering the race and that the campaign has said that 98 percent of contributions came from within the state of Tennessee.

Harwell has also been endorsed by two national Republican women’s political action committees, VIEWPAC and Maggie’s List. Both organizations are dedicated to electing Republican women to office nationwide.

Harwell’s qualifying petitions signatures for the TN-5 race have been certified as valid by the Tennessee Secretary of State’s office and her status as a bona fide Republican has been verified by the Tennessee Republican Party. Harwell has attained ballot access for the GOP primary.

The Republican primary is scheduled to take place on August 4 and the GOP ballot is scheduled to be finalized on April 21.

The 5th Congressional District consists of parts of Davidson County, Williamson County, Wilson County, and all of Maury County, Marshall County and Lewis County.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, and Parler.
Photo “Beth Harwell” by Beth Harwell and “U.S. Capitol” by Martin Falbisoner CC3.0




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6 Thoughts to “Exclusive: TN-5 Candidate Beth Harwell Endorses U.S. Term Limits Amendment, Pledges to Serve Maximum of Three Terms”

  1. Mike Nadeau

    Beth Harwell has NEVER been pro 2nd Amendment. She killed more Constitutional carry bills and pro gun bills than anyone in the TN legislature. She is the last person TN needs.

  2. DR

    Oops! Is she saying she would support an Article V Convention to get those term limits?
    An Article V Convention (used to be called a Con-Con) is a Pandora’s box we DO NOT want to open. Many people have been deceived because those behind this have tried to sell it with “term limits” being the issue, BUT the danger is that once a Convention is called, the door is wide open for them to make any changes they want to the Constitution. You can state the reason for the Convention, BUT there is nothing that holds them to that stated reason. The ONLY time a Convention was called the men in attendance did NOT do what they were sent there to do. Instead, they completely changed the Articles of Confederation and wrote the Constitution. Thankfully, those men had a moral base and created a good document, BUT the moral base of our society has eroded–just look at the last two years. Our justice system has been punishing the good and allowing evil to be perpetuated (e.g. CA allowing people to steal $900 worth of goods with no penalty, or allowing riots in Seattle and Portland to damage property or worse with no repercussions, or allowing our borders to be wide open ). So without a moral compass, we can ONLY expect evil results if an Article V Convention is called. The Constitution will cease to exist in anything close to its original form.
    Let’s enact an amendment for term limits the way Amendments 11-27 were amended and STAY AWAY from an Article V Convention (That can only be bad news!).

  3. Stuart I. AndersonSSS

    She’s got that one WRONG. By her nonsensical “watch me shoot myself in the foot” pledge if we make the mistake and elect her we are guaranteed to have a congressman who will never have very much influence since from day one she will have pledged to be a relative perpetual short-timer and seniority is one of the most important determinants of power in Washington. Then, by legislatively supporting the mandating of term limits for others she is depriving everyone of the right to vote for whomever they want in free elections.

    Elect Harwell (ACU-86%) and that’s the way it’s going to go conservatives. In the General Assembly she was wrong about14% of the time. Send her to Washington the leftward pull in Congress will get her wrong rate up to about 20%. Let’s vote Ogles instead!

    1. 83ragtop50

      Stuart – Your reasoning sounds great on the surface, but it is exactly why we have forever “servants” in the House and Senate. “Servants” who chose to just serve themselves – forever. I am an Ogles supporter but saying that we the people cannot set term limits smacks in the face of the roots of a democratic republic.

  4. Debbie

    3 terms = lifetime taxpayer bennies
