#FightBack: Rittenhouse Lawyer L. Lin Wood to Sue Joe Biden for Smearing His Client in Anti-Trump Video

by Debra Heine


An attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who fatally shot two agitators, and wounded another during a violent riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has vowed to sue Joe Biden and the Biden/Harris Campaign for libel.

President Trump “is not Biden’s biggest problem,” attorney L.Lin Wood declared on Wednesday.

Biden, in an effort to paint President Trump as a racist supporter of white supremacism, tweeted out a video montage of alleged white supremacists that included an image of the 17-year-old Rittenhouse carrying an AR-15 rifle in Kenosha during the August 25 riot.

“There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night,” Biden tweeted.

Wood demanded a public retraction from the Biden/Harris Campaign on behalf of Rittenhouse, as no evidence has emerged to suggest that Rittenhouse or any member of his family are linked to white supremacists, or any other far right extremist groups.

All three of the antifa rioters who were shot by the teen—Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gage Paul Grosskreutz—had violent criminal backgrounds, including armed burglary and child molestation.

They were part of a violent BLM/antifa mob seen on video chasing Rittenhouse, kicking him and beating him in the head with a skateboard after he’d fallen to the ground. One of them was illegally armed with a handgun that he pointed at the teen.

The shooting took place around 11:45 p.m. near a car dealership as antifa/BLM rioters rampaged through town for the third night in a row following the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake.

The teen was part of an armed group that was there to protect local businesses and offer first aid to activists and Kenosha residents during the rioting. Earlier in the day, Rittenhouse had helped clean graffiti off of a Kenosha school.

Rittenhouse, an Illinois resident, was arrested by police on August 26 for first-degree murder before the case had been adequately investigated.

This 11-minute video shows the timeline of events before the shootings.

“Biden/Harris Campaign & @JoeBiden only needed to spend 11 minutes to know their accusations against Kyle Rittenhouse were blatantly false PRIOR to publication of video falsely accusing Kyle,” Rittenhouse’s lawyer L. Lin Wood tweeted Wednesday morning. “See you in court, Joe. That is a promise. I keep my promises.”

The attorney is also suing Facebook and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for defaming his Rittenhouse.

“In addition to suing Facebook for being falsely accused of being mass murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse has defamation claim against Joe Biden for falsely accusing him of being white supremacist & militia member responsible for violence in Kenosha,” the lawyer wrote in a subsequent tweet. “Candidate Biden = Defendant Biden.”

Wood also represents Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann, who was smeared by assorted liberals and members of the media after his viral confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips in Washington DC in March of 2019. The attorney has sued a number of news organizations for defamation against his client, including the Washington Post and CNN, both of whom settled with Sandmann for undisclosed terms.

The fired-up lawyer also tweeted: “Biden video identifies Kyle Rittenhouse as Wallace condemns white supremacists & militia members for adding to violence in Kenosha. Biden has forgotten @N1ckSandmann & his lawsuits against CNN & WaPo. I am going to remind him. @realDonaldTrump is not Biden’s biggest problem.”

“I also hereby demand that @JoeBiden immediately retract his false accusation that Kyle is a white supremacist & militia member responsible for violence in Kenosha,” Wood tweeted.

In addition to Rittenhouse and Sandmann, Wood also represented Richard Jewell, the hapless security guard who was falsely accused by the FBI of setting the Centennial Olympic park bomb in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996.

Wood announced on Twitter that his partner Todd McCurtry and lawyer/journalist Ron Coleman would join his legal team in pursuing the libel case against Biden. 

Marina Medvin, a defense lawyer who joined the Rittenhouse criminal defense team, wrote a response to Biden’s “defamatory allegation” against her client.

Medvin pointed out that there is not even “a pinch” of evidence to suggest that Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist” as alleged in Biden’s video.

“My client is a 17 year old patriotic, dutiful, American boy who came to ‘help people,’” she wrote. “The lies and propaganda need to stop,” Medvin said.


Wood snarked that the Biden and his campaign need to “advise their donors that they are actually contributing to the Kyle Rittenhouse Scholarship fund.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness. 








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One Thought to “#FightBack: Rittenhouse Lawyer L. Lin Wood to Sue Joe Biden for Smearing His Client in Anti-Trump Video”

  1. Ron Welch

    Biden is really bad in the way he throws around baseless, lying accusations. This is especially egregious when it is against a minor defending himself against violent extremist BLM/Antifa adults Without a full public apology on this from Biden, I hope that he and his campaign are either successfully sued or forced to make a massive payment, like CNN which made a similar lying accusation against another minor, a reported $250 million. Biden is a vile man, especially that he alleges racism when he has made repeated racist comments.
    It’s the same old Saul Alinsky counsel, “accuse others of what you do.”
