Florida Teacher Sobs She Can No Longer Share Details About Her ‘Marriage’ to ‘Trans-Fem Person’ with First-Graders

The Twitter account known as Libs of Tik Tok featured a video of a Florida first-grade teacher bemoaning how she can possibly proceed with teaching the six-year-olds in her class when the state’s new Parental Rights in Education Act prevents her from discussing personal details about her “marriage” to a “trans-fem person.”


“As an elementary school teacher in Florida,” the teacher tearfully begins in the video, “this new bill has really been weighing on me a lot.”

She continues:

I teach first grade, which means my classroom is one of the ones that will be directly affected. For those of you who haven’t been in the classroom for awhile, one of the things that teachers always do at back-to-school night and meet-the-teacher, and things like that, as they like send home this cute, little like “meet the teacher” thing where it has a little bio about us, some of our favorite stuff, just so that you know who we are.

“How do I do that next year?” she asked. “Do I lie? And not talk about my marriage? Do I pretend I’m single? Do I invalidate my spouse’s stance as a trans-fem person? Or, do I put my job on the line to introduce myself?”

“What am I supposed to do?” she sobbed. “I don’t know.”

The video received multiple replies, including several that pointed out most first-graders have little interest in their teachers’ personal lives:

Several other Twitter users commented the teacher appears quite self-involved about her sexual identity:


Christina Pushaw, press secretary to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), also tweeted, “How hard is it to just not talk to 1st graders about your personal life, period?”

“I am from a very liberal part of Southern California,” Pushaw continued. “No doubt I had teachers of different orientations. I would not have KNOWN THAT as a child though, because PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES used to mean something.”

DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education Act into law Monday.

“It ensures parents can send their kids to kindergarten without gender ideology being injected into instruction and they will be notified and have the right to decline healthcare services offered at schools,” DeSantis said.

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Susan Berry, PhD is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Florida Teacher” by Libs of Tik tok. 




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4 Thoughts to “Florida Teacher Sobs She Can No Longer Share Details About Her ‘Marriage’ to ‘Trans-Fem Person’ with First-Graders”

  1. Nashville Deplorable

    Find a new job!

  2. LM

    There’s no reason why she can’t tell the students who she’s married to. The bill has nothing to do with that. It’s about teaching gender ideology in class. This teacher is a drama queen. What’s more , it makes sense what all those people are talking about when they say “why are teachers even talking that much about their personal lives anyway??”

  3. JB Taylor

    Mentally deficient Individual using children in her classroom as emotional support animals by subjecting them to her issues. Her personal life is not part of the approved curriculum and if she needs mental help or emotional support, she should seek professional help. Kids should know her last name and what she is approved to teach, nothing more.

  4. JRin

    Our children are graduating High School with an equivalent 4th grade education, because these teachers aren’t spending enough time on the three R’s. I was taught by members of religious orders, and NONE of our time was spent discussing their personal lives. The only thing that counted was the subject matter.


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