Former President George W. Bush Issues ‘Sharp Denunciation of Trumpism’

Former president George W. Bush issued a sharp if veiled denunciation of Trumpism on Thursday, warning that bigotry, white supremacy and falsehoods are coarsening the national tone and threatening American democracy. “Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” Bush said in a speech in New York. He did not…

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5 Thoughts to “Former President George W. Bush Issues ‘Sharp Denunciation of Trumpism’”

  1. […] also specifically criticized former President George W. Bush for undermining the presidency of Donald Trump in a speech he delivered in New York City on Thursday that has been widely panned by conservatives, including Steve Bannon, executive chairman of […]

  2. Randall

    I’m not dissing Ole ‘W’. I’ve spent most of my life voting for Bushes. But Ole ‘W’ shouldn’t be dissing our current Prez .

  3. Jim Forsythe

    I used to think that George Bush was a good guy. I have lost all respect for him. He has blown his credibility as a Republican, and certainly as a Conservative.

  4. Randall

    ‘W’ doesn’t have too much brag about . Republicans are still taking a beating from the Left for the war in Iraq.

    1. 83ragtop50

      I believe that the left’s (and anyone else for that matter) dissing of former president Bush over the decision to invade Iraq is unwarranted. However, I found his liberal social policies disheartening and harmful. His failed efforts to reign in the corrupt mortgage lending practices led to the financial calamity that hit America at the end of his second term. He exacerbated the situation by the bogus stimulus that took place under his guidance. Then along came Obama who piled it on big time. remember all of those “shovel ready” jobs?
