Former Top Clinton Adviser Calls on ABC to Launch Internal Probe into Whether Debate Was Rigged

by Nicholas Ballasy

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division’s planning and execution of this week’s presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at “rigging the outcome of this debate.”

ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump’s statements but none from Kamala Harris.

Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election. 

Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.

“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn told the John Solomon Reports podcast.

“I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that,” he added.

Penn, chairman of the Harvard CAPS Harris Poll, also said Harris has done a “good job” defining Trump as the incumbent and herself as the change candidate even though she’s the sitting vice president. But he described the mainstream media’s coverage of Harris’ campaign as laughable.

“It’s a 50-50, race. He’s [Trump] got more obvious tools to get across the finish line than she does and part of the thing here is that if the referees have their finger on the scale, it’s harder to, you know, break through and overcome. And certainly, general media coverage has been fairly laughable,” he said.

Penn, president and managing partner of The Stagwell Group, suggested the Trump campaign mail out to every voter the ACLU questionaire that then-Sen. Harris, D-Calif., filled out and indicated she supports gender surgery for illegal immigrants and defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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Nicholas Ballasy is a reporter for Just the News. 





Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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3 Thoughts to “Former Top Clinton Adviser Calls on ABC to Launch Internal Probe into Whether Debate Was Rigged”

  1. nicky wicks

    of course it was rigged, they dont even hide it. but, what is anyone going to do about it?

  2. Nashville Stomper

    Slogan for ABC News:

    “We create the darkness where democracy dies”

  3. Larry Hattis

    Trump should gather up some fortitude and demand another debate and this time the moderators will be one liberal and one conservative . No form of fact checking by moderators will be allowed. No live mikes or live audience . Questions will include immigration laws , education , economy , world affairs , homeless population growth ,veteran affairs and green energy , healthcare . Two questions that are on the back of people minds that is never asked is this . Should the taxpayers pay for abortions that doesn’t involved rape , incest or the safeguarding the health of he mother and should taxpayers be held accountable for student loans .

    Time will be important so if either one goes off in another direction without answering the main question their mike will be cut off.

    It’s time the people to have an honest and equal debate with hard stead fast rules .
