Former Trump Campaign Advisor Boris Epshteyn Predicts States Will Decertify 2020 Election Results


Boris Epshteyn, attorney and former strategic advisor to the 2020 Trump Campaign, predicted that many states will decertify their election results for the November 2020 election.

In an interview with Gina Loudon, Epshteyn said the series of audits that may occur could lead to the reversal. Additionally, there is no language in the Constitution that prevents such a move.

“The further we go on this freight train of audits from Arizona to Georgia to Pennsylvania and more deeply, deeply horrifying information is uncovered: ballots missing, databases missing in Arizona, Fulton County chain-of-custody documents missing in Georgia and Atlanta, Pennsylvania a total cesspool of disaster. The more that information comes out, the more Americans believe that this was a fraudulent election,” Epshteyn said.

As more scrutiny is placed on the election process in many states, problems are beginning to emerge. In Fulton County, Georgia, following reporting by The Georgia Star News, the Secretary of State opened an investigation into several concerning actions conducted by election officials. Many of the states’ officials have pointed to the Arizona election audit as an example of what should be completed.

Epshteyn also pointed to a recent poll that demonstrated many Americans have expressed widespread concerns over the security of the election.

“The real problem here for Democrats and Joe Biden is that a huge percentage of Americans believe that there was widespread election fraud across the country that helped Joe Biden get to the Oval Office,” he added.

When discussing the legality of potential decertification, Epshteyn said that there was no precedent to dictate the pathway forward. The process is “an open question, what happens next, and I believe that question will end up in front of the Supreme Court.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].





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2 Thoughts to “Former Trump Campaign Advisor Boris Epshteyn Predicts States Will Decertify 2020 Election Results”

  1. Young Robert

    Fraudulent election.

    1. Old Bobby

      Fraudulent audit.
