Gadfly GOP Primary Challenger to Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn Says He Wants Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens

Trey Wittum

According to a candidate survey in The Tennessean, the only Republican primary challenger to Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) says he wants a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.

Tres Wittum, 37, a former aide to Tennessee Senate leadership, says he wants to “update the [immigration] system.”

“Make clear pathway to citizenship,” Wittum (pictured above) said. “Have judges ready to go, open more courts to get illegals caught out of our country faster. Develop an (digital) economy hard for illegals to cheat and be involved in.”

About 10 million illegal aliens have entered the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration alone. The widely accepted figure for the number of illegal aliens in the United States prior to Biden’s presidency was about 11 million; however, a 2018 Yale University study found that there were about 22 million illegal aliens in the United States before Biden taking over.

Under Wittum’s plan, it appears that somewhere between 21 million and 32 million illegal aliens could become citizens, depending on whether the number of illegal aliens residing in the United States is the generally accepted figure of 11 million or Yale’s figure of 22 million.

In a different part of the survey, Wittum reiterates that he wants to update the immigration system but does not describe exactly what that means.

“I will work to end illegal immigration by enhancing border security, updating our immigration system, and enforcing tougher laws against illegal activities,” he said. “A secure border is essential for protecting American jobs and communities.”

In 2022, after leaving his job in the Tennessee Senate, Wittum ran for U.S. Congress in the Republican primary against Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN-05). He placed dead last, garnering only 398 votes, and was one of five candidates who finished behind Robby Starbuck, who ran as a Write-In candidate.

His LinkedIn profile says he has been a contributor and panelist at WZTV since 2019, but The Tennessee Star could only find one instance of Wittum appearing on a panel, which was in 2023. The profile also says he is a contributor and writer for the publication Nashville Noise, but he has only written three stories on that website, the latest one being published in 2021.

His X profile describes him as an entrepreneur, investor, and actor.

According to the latest Federal Election Commission data, Wittum has raised $0 this election cycle, compared to Blackburn’s $12.4 million.

For her part, Blackburn strongly opposes a pathway to citizenship.

“There can be no pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants,” she said just two weeks ago on X.

She also criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (R-NY) for his May immigration “reform” bill that would have allowed a pathway to citizenship. That vote failed in the Senate.

“Chuck Schumer’s open border bill allows thousands of illegals PER DAY to cross our southern border & creates for them a 5-year pathway to citizenship,” she said on X. “I’m holding a press conference today to expose this legislation for what it really is — a fake immigration bill.”

During that press conference, she called the bill “an election year political stunt designed to give our Democratic colleagues the appearance of doing something about this problem without doing anything.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X/Twitter.
Photo “Tres Wittum” by Tres Wittum and “Illegal Immigrant Caravan” by US Border Patrol Chief John Modlin.




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6 Thoughts to “Gadfly GOP Primary Challenger to Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn Says He Wants Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens”

  1. Tyler Howell

    Even from the pull quote, it says Wittum supports deportation of illegals. The real question is why do YOU support Marsha Blackburn, who has rubber stamped everything that has happened in the congress and in this state for 20 years? I’m a native tennesseean, and voted in every republican primary since 2004, and Marsha is another corruptorcrat politician, propped up by big money pacs and paid off fake media (‘support Marsha’ at the bottom of this site?). Bailouts, vaccine mandates, corporate handouts, big tech corruption – all happening while she has been in power. Despite all their ‘opposition’, our state and civilization lurch ever leftward. We need a change, vote Tres Wittum 2024!


    What we need is a 10 year moratorium on ALL immigration into this country. We have far exceeded the limit of needed immigrants. Immigration was never about flooding our country with foreigners. It was always about filling a need for America. We need to go back to what made immigration a good thing. Needed skills in America, immigrant must have a job and a sponsor responsible for the care of the immigrant and free from all illness. This obvious liberal snow flake does not live in the real world. He will not have the power to do any of what he proposes.

  3. Colleen Sanders

    The “pathway”Blackburn takes exception to is against mass amnesty. With mass amnesty, there is NO vetting and/or no checking for a criminal background. No one is deported. Everyone already in the U.S. can just stay. That includes thousands and thousands of gang members, criminals,, foreign spies, murderers, rapists, and all the rest of the people let out of jails and prisons, around the world who are now in the U.S. I stand with Blackburn. Develop a better system to vet and process these illegal aliens.

  4. The “widely accepted” number of 11 million illegals here is absolutely ridiculous. The number was closer to 40-50 million. That 11 million number has been floated for decades. Stop perpetuating the nonsense.

  5. Dwayne Oxford

    Letting leftists run as Republican is why I don’t support RNC/GOP/TNGOP.

  6. Tim Price

    Oh Hell NO!
