Gas Tax Increase Lobbyists Begin Advertising Campaign on Ralph Bristol’s WWTN Show

Regular listeners to Nashville’s Morning News With Ralph Bristol on 99.7 FM WWTN may have noticed a new advertiser on Thursday–the Transportation Coalition of Tennessee.

The Coalition is a group of 39 lobbying groups that support Governor Haslam’s IMPROVE Act “Tax Cut Act of 2017,” the majority of which will directly benefit from the additional $10 billion in taxpayer-funded road projects.

Several of the lobbying groups, such as the Tennessee County Highway Officials Association, Association of County Mayors and Tennessee County Commissioners Association, are funded by membership dues paid for by taxpayers through county budgets.

Reports indicate that the ads are only being played on WWTN during Nashville’s Morning News with Ralph Bristol.

Bristol has been a proponent of the IMPROVE Act “Tax Cut Act of 2017” since its introduction and continued his support in the second hour of Thursday’s show with an 8-minute “rant,” as Ralph often refers to them. The full transcript can be found here.

In the third hour of the program, the one-minute advertising “spot” by the Coalition went like this:

“Governor Bill Haslam’s IMPROVE Act responsibly funds important road and bridge work in all of Tennessee’s 95 counties. The IMPROVE Act funds transportation infrastructure and at the same time gives a tax cut to all Tennesseans through a 20 percent tax cut on food. In fact, the IMPROVE Act contains the largest tax cut in the history of the state. The IMPROVE Act continues Tennessee’s long-held principle that maintaining our roads and bridges should be the responsibility of the people who use them. There are 962 critical road and bridge projects across Tennessee right now. It’s smart to support better roads, safe bridges and tax cuts. To find out more, visit the Transportation Coalition of Tennessee on-line at That’s Paid for by the Transportation Infrastructure Alliance. More information at”

The “About Us” section of the Coalition’s website lists its founding organizations and initial members as:

Founding Organizations

Transportation Coalition of Tennessee

TN Infrastructure Alliance


Tennessee Public Transportation Association

Tennessee Trucking Association

Tennessee County Highway Officials Association

Tennessee Municipal League

American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee

Tennessee Road Builders Association

Initial Members


American Heart Association

APAA Tennessee Chapter

American Society of Civil Engineers

Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.

The Associated General Contractors of East Tennessee

Association of County Mayors

Tennessee Association of Human Resource Agencies

Bike Walk Tennessee

Concrete Paving Association of Tennessee

The Corradino Group

Greater Nashville Regional Council

Home Builders Association of Tennessee

Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce

Middle Tennessee ASHE

Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Tennessee Concrete Association

Tennessee County Commissioners Association

Tennessee County Services Association

TN Disability Coalition

Tennessee Highway Users Conference

Tennessee Paper Council

Tennessee Public Health Association

Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers

Transit Alliance of Middle Tennessee

Tennessee Development District Association

Southeast Tennessee Development District

The Associated General Contractors of America

Tennessee City Management Association

Walk Bike Nashville


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3 Thoughts to “Gas Tax Increase Lobbyists Begin Advertising Campaign on Ralph Bristol’s WWTN Show”

  1. W. Turner

    It is clear that Mr. Bristol has thought about and determined he supports this increase in gas and diesel taxes in TN. I respect his decision to support the increase in taxes although it is also clear he is not convinced about the tax decrease side of this bill, or he ran out of paper or air time and could not address the fact that this bill is NOT a tax cut for citizens in TN. However, he is still free to be a proponent of the bill, just as I am free to consider other radio listening opportunities on my way to work in the AM.

  2. Dave Vance

    Looks like Ralph wants it to cost everybody more while they listen to his show on their way to work… they can pay more taxes so Haslam can waste more money!

  3. Dave Vance

    Having the Islamist and LBGT’s opposing you is a ringing endorsement for normal real Americans!
