‘George Floyd Square’ Singles Out White People with Special Instructions for Behavior

George Floyd Memorial Square
by Eric Lendrum


The intersection where George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose, which has since been converted into an informal memorial, has signs posted with special instructions for how White people are supposed to behave in the area, according to Fox News.

Having since been unofficially renamed “George Floyd Square,” the intersection of E. 38th Street and Chicago Avenue has become the epicenter for Black Lives Matter and other far-left protests, with numerous memorials built to Floyd and other black people who have allegedly been murdered by police. At one of the entrances to the area, a sign has been erected declaring it to be “a sacred space for community, public grief, and protest.” The sign also falsely claims that Floyd “took his last breath under the knee of” Officer Derek Chauvin, even though footage revealed that Chauvin’s knee was actually on Floyd’s back and shoulder blade, not his neck.

Further down, the sign contains special instructions for how White people are to act upon entering the area. White people, the sign says, are to “decenter” and “come to listen, learn, mourn, and witness. Remember you are here to support, not be supported.” The sign goes on to order White people to “contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it,” providing no specifics on how exactly this is supposed to be done.

Any and all “processing” is to be brought to “other White folks” so that people of color will not be “harmed.” If White people are seen doing “problematic things” in the area – again with no specification of what qualifies as “problematic” – others are to “speak up with compassion to take the burden off of black folks and our siblings of color whenever appropriate.” The sign ends by telling White people that they are to “engage rather than escalate, so that it can be a learning moment rather than a disruption.”

Officer Chauvin was found guilty on Tuesday of all three charges in the death of Floyd, including second- and third-degree murder, as well as manslaughter, after Black Lives Matter and other far-left protesters and domestic terrorists intimidated defense witnesses. Floyd’s death, which was confirmed by the official autopsy to have been caused by a lethal overdose of fentanyl, sparked nationwide race riots after footage emerged of his arrest last May.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.





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One Thought to “‘George Floyd Square’ Singles Out White People with Special Instructions for Behavior”

  1. LM

    Who decides who the white people are?
