George Soros Funds Numerous Anti-Trump Coronavirus Ads

by Eric Lendrum


Far-left billionaire George Soros is putting millions of dollars into an attack ad campaign against President Trump over his handling of the coronavirus outbreak, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

The ads come from Priorities USA Action, the largest pro-Democrat super PAC in America, which will spend $6 million this week alone on such ads, targeting the key swing states of Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Priorities USA had previously received over $3 million from Soros’s Democracy PAC as recently as February 21st.

Priorities USA said that its overall plan is to spend at least $150 million in the general election campaign against President Trump in Rust Belt states, which are the states that will ultimately decide the election.

Another group that will engage in such attacks is the American Bridge PAC, founded by far-left operative David Brock. American Bridge has vowed to spend at least $50 million attacking Trump in the Midwest. Brock is affiliated with the Democracy Alliance, another organization that is funded and cofounded by Soros.

Lastly, Soros has also most recently funded a project called the Heartland Fund, which intends to target Midwestern and Rust Belt voters in the election. For this effort, Soros teamed up with failed congressional candidate Scott Wallace, who lost his bid for Pennsylvania’s 1st congressional district in 2018.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).
Photo “George Soros” by Niccolò Caranti. CC BY-SA 3.0.







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6 Thoughts to “George Soros Funds Numerous Anti-Trump Coronavirus Ads”

  1. Robert Buice

    Evil don’t die it just re-positions itself.

  2. William Finch

    George Soros is a total slim bag and I do not know how he gets away with what he has done and is doing to our United States and our President. He needs to be stopped and now.

  3. Eugenio Gonzalez

    You know what people. If that’s the case with these people, who literally dont give a rat’s ass, as the Bible puts it, “perish with your money”
    Remember this, when people attack an duly elected President. Cursing him from every angle. Slandering him for no reason whatsover, not only are you or they coming against this President, you or they, are against God who placed him there. Guess what, God will one day, bring you to justice. In Gods eyes you are nothing but a worm.

    1. Brenda

      God Loves all his people for your information!!!

  4. Aimee Valentine

    I have nothing but the upmost confidence and respect for President Trump regarding the handling of this entire coronavirus fiasco. Kudos to Trump for an amazing job! ♥️

    1. Renee Langlois

      I thought that old pig soros was dead damn hes not in hell yet?
