George Soros Money Funneled to Tennessee Organizations

The TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) each received grants from the Proteus Fund, itself a recipient of millions of dollars from the George Soros Open Society Foundations. The grants to the two Tennessee organizations were made through the Proteus “Security & Collaborative Rights” (SCR) initiative.

TIRRC received a $40,000 grant:

To support TIRRC’s leadership development and civic engagement work with MASA [Muslim, Arab and South Asian] communities. This will include public education on immigrant and refugee policies at the local, state, and federal level and building MASA immigrant civic engagement through naturalization, voter engagement, and policy advocacy.

AMAC received a $7,000 grant:

Given the recent uptick in Immigrations and Customs Enforcement targeting and detaining Kurdish community members in Tennessee, SRC support will allow AMAC to implement plans to continue to provide a hotline, media outreach, and Know Your Rights seminars for the community.

Shireen Zaman is Proteus SCR’s Program Director. Named by the Obama White House as a “Champion of Change, Zaman is also the former Executive Director of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU). With offices in Dearborn, Michigan and Washington, D.C., the ISPU works to promote the interests of Muslims in America, a focus Zaman has carried forward to her position at Proteus as reflected in the SCR grants.

During Zaman’s tenure as Executive Director, the ISPU co-hosted a panel called “Reason vs. Rhetoric: Understanding American Muslims” which included a Kurdish refugee activist from Tennessee. Remziya Suleyman, a former lobbyist for TIRRC had helped launch two interlocking organizations; the American Center for Outreach and the American Muslim Advisory Council, in opposition to the 2011 Tennessee anti-terrorism material support bill.

Fueled by inaccurate reporting claiming that the bill would make following sharia law a felony, Muslims in Tennessee turned out in force to oppose this bill. Ironically, Suleyman, who led the lobbying against the bill, told the ISPU panel that:

I never knew the concept of sharia…I called imams across the state and I was like guys what is sharia?  I gotta go talk to politicians.

In 2014 ISPU published a report titled Manufacturing Bigotry: A State-By-State Legislative Effort to Pushback against 2050 by Targeting Muslims and Other Minorities, in an effort to connect alleged Islamophobia to the larger leftist agenda and emphasize the eventual demographic shift to a “majority-minority” population by the year 2050.

Using an interactive map, the ISPU targeted state legislators, including several in Tennessee, who sponsored bills relating to “1) Restrictions on abortion rights and access, 2) “Defense of Marriage Act” bills (DOMA) and other bans on same-sex marriage, 3) Right-to-Work legislation, 4) Anti-immigration proposals, 5) “Voter Identification” requirements, and 6) Anti- Sharia/Anti-“Foreign Law” bills.”

Overall, the ISPU report blames Republicans for trying to restrict the rights of and disenfranchise “historically marginalized groups” as represented by the legislation categories they examined.

TIRRC has previously received Soros funding funneled through Neo Philanthropy’s Four Freedom Funds. In 2017, TIRRC also received grant funding from Unbound Philanthropy whose executive director is a board member of a Soros Open Society program.

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11 Thoughts to “George Soros Money Funneled to Tennessee Organizations”

  1. D MacKAY

    If people truly loved America – Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg’s in fact any of the Billionaires funding Americas destruction in order to return the world to a two class slave society – If people truly loved America – those Billionaires and their political accomplices would already be dead. But they are Billionaires still going to DAVOS and laughing about how easy it is to pay useful idiot politicians to destroy their nations for the future good of the unelected Elitist Billionaires

  2. […] Conexion Americas’ building Casa Azafran houses a variety of organizations including the American Muslims Advisory Council (AMAC) and the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), both of which are beneficiaries of George Soros money. […]

  3. […] illegals are being championed by the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, which has received money from the billionaire investor, George […]

  4. […] illegals are being championed by the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, which has received money from the billionaire investor, George […]

  5. […] illegals are being championed by the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, which has received money from the billionaire investor, George […]

  6. […] illegals are being championed by the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, which has received money from the billionaire investor, George […]

  7. Randall

    Soros was spawned by Satan to bring down America.

  8. Steve L.

    His age will eventually do him in…. A term limit for the rich!

  9. Wolf Woman

    George $oro$ is the enemy of the United States and its Constitution. His is driven by greed and power to lord it over this nation and bend us to his will. He is a megalomaniac, by his own admission, who is trying at this moment to bring down the government of Hungary by the use of non-profit organizations (his favorite weapons of mass destruction, like BLM and Antifa).

    The $oro$ constitution would have a global monoculture of open borders with no nation states, a one-world currency which he would manipulate, with censorship and oppression for all. Anyone or group who takes his money is complicit in his evil-doing and helps bring suffering to humanity.

    1. Eric

      The democrat party loves this piece of shit along with John “songbird” McCain!

  10. Jim Forsythe

    If Soros is promoting it, we know it is anti-American.
