Georgia Man Sentenced in Tennessee for Stealing Veteran’s Identity, Claiming Medical Benefits


A Georgia man traveled to Tennessee and posed as a veteran to receive more than $20,000 in medical benefits, according to federal officials.

Federal officials this month sentenced that man Kristopher M. Voyles, 31, to 27 months in prison followed by three years’ supervised release.

This, according to a press release that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee published last week.

As part of a negotiated plea agreement, Voyles pled guilty to theft of more than $1,000 of government property. Voyles must make restitution of $20,502 to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, according to the press release.

“According to court records, Voyles is not a veteran and has never served in the United States military. On October 9, 2019, Voyles used the name, date of birth, and social security number of a United States veteran when receiving medical services at a hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. The next day, while still impersonating the veteran, Voyles obtained a transfer to the VA Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. Voyles used fraudulently obtained identification documents, and a fraudulently obtained Form DD214. For approximately a week, Voyles accepted medical goods, items, and services from the VA Medical Center. The value of the goods, items, and services Voyles stole was $20,502. When apprehended, Voyles still had the veteran’s identification documents with him, including the fraudulently obtained Form DD214,” the press release said.

“Subsequent investigation revealed that Voyles had previously been prosecuted by Atlanta, Georgia authorities for using the same veteran’s identity to obtain prescription drugs from the VA Medical Center in Atlanta.”

The criminal indictment was the result of an investigation by the Department of Veterans Affairs Police and the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (“VAOIG”). Special Agent Charles Pack led the federal investigation, the press release said.

According to its website, the VA’s Veterans Health Administration is the largest integrated healthcare network in the United States, with 1,255 health care facilities serving 9 million enrolled Veterans each year.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected]





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2 Thoughts to “Georgia Man Sentenced in Tennessee for Stealing Veteran’s Identity, Claiming Medical Benefits”

  1. There have been four instances, i believe, of someone using my last 4 digits of SSN my id to visit V health care facilities, I have never been to! There is st least one other veteran with same last name s mien with the same last 4 SS numbers.
    Time to tie ethey tighten up on IDs we go to VA and now I understand why.

  2. william delzell

    Many right-wing war-wimps/chicken-hawks are good at falsifying their military records and at stealing REAL veterans’ identities than anybody else. Pat Robertson, Dan Quayle, and others of that ilk come to mind. You probably remember that Pat Robertson when he ran unsuccessfully for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1988 had to drop out once somebody discovered that he was not the combat hero he portrayed himself to be. It turned out in 1951, that he got his father, Willis Smith a Dixiecrat Senator from Virginia to pull strings for him by getting him detached from his combat Marine unit and transferring him to a safe job at the officer’s mess hall well behind the lines in South Korea. I don’t care that he skipped combat duty, but when he attacks others for doing so or falsifies his record, that’s a different matter.
