Georgia Senate Government Oversight Committee to Hold Meeting Investigating Election Integrity


Georgia State Senate leadership within the Government Oversight Committee will convene later this week to review the elections processes.

In its press release, the committee stated that they found it “appropriate” to review the standing election processes and guidance, “to ensure the integrity of Georgia’s voting process.”

Those present at the meeting will include Senate President Pro Tempore Butch Miller (R-GA-Gainesville), Majority Leader Mike Dugan (R-GA-Carrollton), Majority Whip Steve Gooch (R-GA-Dahlonega), Majority Caucus Chairman John F. Kennedy (R-Ga-Macon), Majority Caucus Vice Chairman Larry Walker (R-GA-Perry), and Majority Caucus Secretary Dean Burke (R-GA-Bainbridge).

In an interview with The Georgia Star News, Senator Bruce Thompson (R-GA-White) shared that a group of conservative senators pushed for this meeting to convene based on evidence they’ve received following the election.

“I think there’s an opportunity to look at several different things, like mail-in ballots that have shown up with evidence of individuals that are deceased,” Thompson said. “I think we have the opportunity to explore evidence of individuals [who voted], tracked back to addresses that they don’t live at.”

Thompson added that a full investigation was necessary to discover whether the evidence indicated widespread voter fraud.

“Well, when you have smoke, there’s fire – and you don’t know for sure until you investigate. [This meeting] lets us look at the evidence versus hearsay or rumors, and we can find out if there’s a widespread event,” he said. “I believe there’s a contingency out there that believes this is widespread.”

Thompson affirmed that this meeting will review this past general election to inform any necessary further action for the upcoming runoff election. He added that the Senate race is especially important because of how the outcome will shape the nation.

“You lose these two seats and you alter American history forever,” he said.

The committee will meet at the State Capitol on Thursday at 10 a.m. EST. Those interested in viewing the meeting may tune into the livestream.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].






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One Thought to “Georgia Senate Government Oversight Committee to Hold Meeting Investigating Election Integrity”

  1. Ladonna

    If u don’t know there was fraud then u don’t want to know your world wouldn’t be like this now
