GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones Calls for ‘An Immediate Forensic Audit of the Georgia 2020 Election’

Georgia GOP gubernatorial candidate and former State Rep. Vernon Jones called for “an immediate for an immediate forensic audit of the Georgia 2020 election” at a press conference on Wednesday.

Here is a transcript of that press conference:

Jones: The integrity of our election is nonnegotiable. It is non-negotiable. Zero room. And that is where I’m here today to call for an immediate forensic audit of the Georgia 2020 election. In recent weeks, I found myself troubled by the recent findings coming out of Arizona as they conduct forensic audits of their own led by their state legislatures.

From this audit, previously unknown findings have since come to life, including reports of missing ballots, broken seals on the boxes and containers that contain them, and wholly deleted databases of information related to this election. That is not right. Let me make one thing clear.

There’s no place in Georgia elections for those types of shenanigans. And the findings of such an audit will paint a clear road map where we must go from here in terms of further reform to safeguard our election process. Since day one, my campaign had made a commitment of integrity to this election while Brian Kemp sat on the sidelines in the 2020 election and refused to call a special session to secure our elections I was on the front line fighting for election integrity, integrity, and fighting and fighting for Donald J. Trump. Brian Kemp’s inaction cost us both the Congress and the White House.

But it is my hope that my action today will bring us closer to ensuring that this never happens again. That is why I’m calling on Brian Kemp today, this day to order a forensic audit of all 159 counties in the state of Georgia. (Applause) Over 50 percent of this state population do not trust the election process.

We have seen Stacey’s Law, supersede state law. That is unamerican and that’s an undisputed disputed violation of our Constitution. And I’m here with these Patriots today, Georgians who care about our election process. This is not a third-world country. This is the state of Georgia of the United States. Brian Kemp was afraid of Stacy Abrams.

He caved in to the left. He didn’t stand up for you, and he didn’t stand up for me. That’s why they’re going to have to be some changes. And the change is going to bring about a process where the people in this state, everybody feel that there’s confidence in our voting process where it’s free and it’s transparent.

And so with that, I’ll take some questions and comments, and then we’re going to close out.

Watch the full video here:

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