Gov. Bill Lee: ‘Documents & Information Regarding the Covenant Shooter Will Be Released to the Public Very Soon’

Late Thursday night Gov. Bill Lee tweeted that he expects documents and information related to the Covenant Presbyterian murders will be released soon.

“The Covenant shooting was a tragedy beyond comprehension, & Tennesseans need clarity. We’ve been in touch with the Nashville Police Department, & today, Chief Drake assured me that documents & information regarding the shooter will be released to the public very soon,” he wrote; adding in a following tweet, “While the state is not involved with the investigations, we will continue to support law enforcement & lift up the Covenant community.”

The CEO and Editor-in-Chief of The Star News Network, which owns and operates The Tennessee Star, Thursday filed an open records request with the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD), seeking the release of a toxicology report conducted at the autopsy of Audrey Elizabeth Hale, the person who shot and killed six people at The Covenant School a month ago on March 27.


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Photo “The Covenant School Crime Scene” by Metro Nashville Police Department. 


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3 Thoughts to “Gov. Bill Lee: ‘Documents & Information Regarding the Covenant Shooter Will Be Released to the Public Very Soon’”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    I also find it interesting that his Red Flag law is targeting SSRI prescriptions as the root cause of the homicidal behavior of mass shooters (as has been noted in many school shootings including Columbine, Red Lake, VA Tech, etc.) but instead of outlawing these black-box warning meds by Big Pharma that turn children into killers, it’s the gun’s fault.

    Also curious if Metro Nashville Public Schools created any murderers with their Columbia University/Pfizer Teenscreen program that forced these very drugs on public school students.

    But we have already seen the Pfizer Contingent in the Tennessee Republican supermajority is untouchable even if grooming gay teens on Instagram (McNally) or lying about your residence outside the district (Briggs) or cheating on lodging per diem (Sexton). Probably not a good chance Big Pharma will be held accountable.

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    But this is what Republican voters get when they have three experienced politicians, two conservatives and one centrist, plus a businessman who never showed the slightest interest in politics but had loads of money to run slick ads and they choose the apolitical businessman. You choose blindly and you get what you get. Let’s not do that again in 2026.

  3. Jack Dobson

    Note that Lee, who has initiated a special session of the legislature to craft solutions to a problem without this critical information to make informed decisions, is only now getting around to calling for release of the manifesto. Folks, this type of cowardice and incompetence is why Republicans lose so much. Lee has shown his true colors. This should have been demanded immediately, and yet the governor wants to restrict people’s rights based on…feelings, without critical evidence available.
